本文选题:法律监督 + 制度框架 ; 参考:《华东政法大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:在保障人权、实行人道主义的大背景下,刑罚轻刑化、行刑社会化已成为西方发达国家刑罚适用的趋势,我国也相应提出了“宽严相济”的刑事政策,人民法院在刑事判决中越来越频繁的适用监外执行刑罚,从一定意义上来讲,这是我国与国际接轨在法治建设层面上的体现,更是我国司法改革的进步。但是,由于受到传统“重刑主义”、“重实体,轻程序”观念的影响,我国监外执行刑罚适用的发展与国际社会具有很大的差距。就暂予监外执行来说,立法规定的不完善、操作程序的不规范、法律监督的不健全,使得暂予监外执行制度的现状问题十分突出。司法实践中,执法混乱、“以钱代保”、“以保代放”的违法现象频发,不仅违背了暂予监外执行保障人权的初衷,而且有损司法公信力,在社会上造成极其恶劣的影响。要彻底改变暂予监外执行的现状,,除了修缮现有相关法律制度、健全当前工作机制之外,还需要强化检察机关的法律监督。可以说,完善暂予监外执行法律监督机制是解决当前问题、保证暂予监外执行顺利施行的有力手段。因此,从我国暂予监外执行法律监督现状出发,积极发挥检察机关对暂予监外执行的法律监督职能,从而探索我国暂予监外执行法律监督机制的构建,对改革我国暂予监外执行制度具有重要意义,也是本文着力探讨的主题。 本文共分五个部分。 引言部分介绍了暂予监外执行的人道主义背景,以及目前国内对暂予监外执行制度的研究成果。 要了解暂予监外执行的法律监督,首先要对暂予监外执行这一制度有个整体的认识,所以接下来的第一章笔者首先以暂予监外执行为切入点,对暂予监外执行的涵义、特征、内容进行一个简单的梳理(第一节),接着介绍暂予监外执行的法律监督(第二节),包括其定义、主体、对象和内容,法律监督的法理依据、价值分析,为下文的论证作好理论铺垫。 第二章阐述现状,分别对暂予监外执行的现状(第一节)及其法律监督的现状(第二节)进行深入剖析,并在此基础上对其中体现出来的问题和原因进行评析,暂予监外执行制度是否健康运行,除了一些客观因素影响之外,很大程度上取决于监督是否到位,目前其执法之“乱像”恰恰是由于其检察监督机制失效所造成,因此笔者认为,加强检察机关的监督监控才是目前解决暂予监外执行问题的可行之道,由此引出下一章。 第三章承继前章着力探讨我国暂予监外执行法律监督机制的完善,由于我国本身的机构设置、法律体制不同于其他国家,国外经验不一定适合我国的情况。因此,本章在我国立法、体制环境下先对暂予监外执行法律监督的完善路径及其理想司法环境进行构想思考(第一节),然后阐述我国暂予监外执行制度在新刑诉法规制下的整体制度框架,重点突出检察监督的突破性修改(第二节),并在现有的立法制度框架内对暂予监外执行法律监督具体工作方法进行有益探索(第三节),以期对完善暂予监外执行法律监督机制有所裨益。 最后是结语部分,总结以往,展望未来,希望通过检察机关对暂予监外执行法律监督机制的完善,能够有效的促进暂予监外执行一改目前屡屡走样的形势,回归正轨,健康顺畅的实施。
[Abstract]:In order to reform our country ' s current situation of judicial reform , it is also necessary to strengthen the judicial supervision of the procuratorial organs .
This paper is divided into five parts .
The introduction provides a brief introduction to the humanitarian background to be implemented temporarily , as well as the results of the current domestic research on the implementation of the external implementation system .
In order to understand the legal supervision of the execution of the temporary supervision , the first chapter is to make a brief analysis of the meaning , characteristics and contents of the temporary supervision , and then introduces the legal supervision ( sect . II ) , which is to be applied temporarily to the outside execution , including its definition , subject , object and content , legal basis and value analysis of legal supervision , and lays a theoretical foundation for the demonstration below .
The second chapter expounds the present situation , analyzes the current situation of temporary supervision and the current situation of its legal supervision ( sect . II ) , and analyzes the problems and causes embodied in it . Except for some objective factors , it depends on whether the supervision is in place . At present , the supervision and control of the procuratorial organs is the only way to solve the problem of temporary supervision , which leads to the next chapter .
Chapter Three discusses the perfection of the legal supervision mechanism for the supervision of the external implementation of supervision in our country . As the institution of our country is different from other countries , our country ' s foreign experience is not necessarily suitable for our country . Therefore , this chapter introduces the legislative and institutional environment of our country , and then expounds the whole institutional framework under the regulation of the new criminal procedure , emphasizes the breakthrough modification of procuratorial supervision ( sect . II ) , and makes a useful exploration to the specific working methods of supervising the implementation of the law in the current legislative framework ( Section III ) , with a view to the improvement of the legal supervision mechanism for the execution of the legal supervision .
Finally , the conclusion is the conclusion part , summarizes the past , looks forward to the future , hopes through the procuratorial organs to the temporary supervision of the implementation of the legal supervision mechanism , can effectively promote the reform of the current situation , return to the right track , healthy and smooth implementation .
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