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发布时间:2018-06-25 19:04

  本文选题:检察机关 + 公安派出所 ; 参考:《华东政法大学》2011年硕士论文

【摘要】:加强法律监督是法律赋予检察机关的重要职责,是人民检察院“强化法律监督,维护公平正义”的具体体现,是维护司法公正和法治统一的重要保障。随着司法改革的不断深入和刑事诉讼法修改的启动,近些年来,公安机关侦查体制出现了新的变化,公安侦查重心下沉并逐渐向基层派出所转移是侦查体制改革的内容之一。 我国诉讼流程结构下的公安机关拥有强大的自主侦查权能,公安派出所的执法权能同样很大,但与此同时,干警侦办刑事案件的能力却不及具有长期侦办经验的公安机关刑事侦查部门,因此在侦查办案过程中更容易发生程序欠规范的现象。侦查办案经验相对缺乏、同时又缺少监督引导,在执法办案过程中就可能产生这样或那样的偏差,在一定程度上会直接影响其办案质量和效果。造成这些问题的主要原因就在于,公安派出所缺乏一种外在的监督制约机制,检察机关对公安派出所的监督机制还不健全,尤其是检察机关的各项法律监督手段与措施尚缺少刚性依据。 由此,如何进一步提升公安派出所办理刑事案件的质量,切实增强在审前诉讼活动中的人权保障,探索建立检察机关对公安派出所的监督机制就显得十分迫切和必要。 全文共分五章,其中:第一章就检察机关对公安派出所刑事侦查监督的基本范畴进行了明确,一方面分析了当前公安派出所行使刑事侦查权的现状,并提出监督的重点环节和领域,另一方面界定了检察机关对公安派出所监督的概念和特征;第二章论证了检察机关对公安派出所进行专项法律监督的法律价值和现实价值,并对当前检察机关对公安派出所监督的依据进行了梳理;第三章就检察机关对派出所监督的现状和存在的问题进行了分析,并指出了《关于刑事立案监督有关问题的规定(试行)》对实践的完善以及在现实状态下仍存在的问题;第四章对当前各地检察机关对该项制度的各种探索进行了收集和概括,认为当前检察机关的监督机制主要有信息收集式、进驻式、派驻式等三种模式并比较了彼此的优势和劣势;第五章在上述论证基础上,提出了下一步检察机关对公安派出所进行监督模式的构建及具体内容。
[Abstract]:Strengthening legal supervision is an important duty entrusted by law to procuratorial organs. It is the concrete embodiment of the people's Procuratorate's "strengthening legal supervision and safeguarding fairness and justice", and it is also an important guarantee to safeguard judicial justice and the unity of rule of law. With the deepening of the judicial reform and the initiation of the revision of the Criminal procedure Law, the investigation system of the public security organs has undergone new changes in recent years. The sinking of the police investigation center and the gradual transfer to the police stations at the grass-roots level is one of the contents of the investigation system reform. The public security organs under the structure of the litigation process in our country have the powerful power of independent investigation, and the law enforcement power of the police stations is also very large, but at the same time, However, the ability of police to investigate criminal cases is not as good as that of the criminal investigation departments of public security organs that have long experience in investigating and handling criminal cases, so it is more easy to have the phenomenon of substandard procedure in the process of investigation and handling of cases. The relative lack of experience in investigating and handling cases and the lack of supervision and guidance may lead to one kind or another deviation in the course of handling cases in law enforcement which to a certain extent will directly affect the quality and effect of handling cases. The main reason for these problems lies in the fact that the police station lacks an external mechanism of supervision and restriction, and the supervisory mechanism of the procuratorial organ over the police station is not perfect. In particular, the procuratorial organs of the legal supervision means and measures are still lack of rigid basis. Therefore, how to further improve the quality of criminal cases handled by police stations, strengthen the protection of human rights in pretrial proceedings, and explore the establishment of supervision mechanism of procuratorial organs to police stations is very urgent and necessary. The paper is divided into five chapters. The first chapter clarifies the basic category of the procuratorial organ's supervision over the criminal investigation of the police station. On the one hand, it analyzes the current situation of the police station exercising the criminal investigation power. On the other hand, it defines the concept and characteristics of procuratorial organs' supervision over police stations. The second chapter demonstrates the legal value and practical value of special legal supervision by procuratorial organs on police stations. The third chapter analyzes the current situation and existing problems of procuratorial organs' supervision of police stations. It also points out the perfection of the practice and the problems still existing in the practice of the regulations on the supervision of criminal case filing. Chapter four collects and generalizes the various explorations of this system by the procuratorial organs in various places at present. The author thinks that the current supervision mechanism of procuratorial organs mainly includes three modes: information-gathering mode, garrison mode, and stationing mode, and compares the advantages and disadvantages of each other. Chapter five is based on the above argumentation. This paper puts forward the construction and concrete contents of the next supervision mode of the police station by the procuratorial organ.


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