本文选题:医疗纠纷 + 医疗纠纷ADR机制 ; 参考:《南昌大学》2011年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Resolving contradictions, promoting dialogue, reducing differences and striving for multiple wins are the inevitable pursuit of a harmonious society. On the basis of the introduction of ADR mechanism in medical disputes in China, how to construct a more reasonable and efficient ADR mechanism to promote the diversification of medical dispute resolution mechanism and ease the deteriorating doctor-patient relationship. It is of great significance to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of both doctors and patients, to promote the development of medicine and to realize socialist harmony. The thesis is divided into three parts: introduction, text and conclusion. The introduction enumerates four typical cases since 2009, which leads to the necessity of this study and the general idea of the study. The text is divided into three parts. The first part mainly expounds the medical dispute and its related concepts and ADR mechanism. The basic theories such as ADR mechanism of medical disputes, the general situation of ADR mechanism in some countries and regions and the useful reference to our country are put forward, and the medical disputes should be defined as the consequences of the medical behaviors of both doctors and patients. The cause of the conflict arises from the perception of the conflict caused by the inconsistency "point of view." The second part introduces the practice of ADR in parts of China from 2000 to 2010 through a large number of data, the overall characteristics of ADR mechanism of medical disputes and the limitations of the existing ADR mechanism of medical disputes. It is pointed out that although the ADR mechanism of medical disputes in China has been preliminarily established, there are still some shortcomings, such as lack of fairness, non-standard procedure, imperfect supporting mechanism, unbalanced development and so on. The third part mainly analyzes the necessity and feasibility of the construction of ADR mechanism of medical disputes in China, expounds the value orientation and basic principles of the construction of ADR mechanism of medical disputes in China, and puts forward the reasonable construction of negotiated settlement mechanism of medical disputes in China. Administrative mediation settlement mechanism, neutral third party mediation settlement mechanism, arbitration settlement mechanism, the specific measures of the court attached ADR mechanism and the attempt of advocating other multiple medical dispute ADR mechanism. The conclusion summarizes the full text, and explains the characteristics and innovation of this paper.
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