本文选题:法律援助 + 社会救助 ; 参考:《宁波大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:现代法律援助制度从1994年在我国确立,已有近20年的发展。实践证明法律援助既是对司法诉权和司法公正的保护,更是对公民生存权、平等权等基本人权的诠释;既是从诉讼制度上保障了“公民在法律面前一律平等”宪法原则,更是从基本人权保护上体现对弱势群体的社会救助。2003年颁布的《法律援助条例》是我国第一部法律援助的专门统一立法,然而随着我国社会主义市场经济的发展和建设法治国家进程的加快,其弊端也日益凸显。 依据我国特殊的国情背景,考察国外法律援助的发展历程,本文认为法律援助应属于社会救助。在《法律援助条例》的基础上制定法律援助法,既是完善我国法律援助制度的必然选择,也是建立全面的社会保障体制的有效途径。在宏观上,本文从社会救助角度对法律援助法进行性质、层次定位,在原有的《法律援助条例》的基础上对其法律原则和体系结构进行初步构建。为以顺应社会发展的需要,在法律原则中增加了保障贫弱者的法律援助权利原则和法律援助制度的市场化运作原则。在微观上,本文对主要制度进行补充和修改,其中有两大明显的变化:一是将市场化运作机制运用到法律援助的实施中,以规避行政化指派带来的弊端,提高法律援助的效率。二是将法律援助经费管理进行制度创新,建立法律援助经费保障机制,,设立省级法律援助基金会对经费进行管理和市场化运作,确保法律援助经费管理科学、使用透明、有效保值增值,以克服当前的制度不足和管理缺陷,更好的保护弱势群体,保障民生。 本文在进行了相关论证和制度补充后形成法律援助法的建议稿,因学识有限,实践不足,可能漏洞百出,但论文写作过程认真谨慎,尝试创新,以期对我国法律援助统一立法略尽绵薄之力。
[Abstract]:The modern legal aid system has been established in our country since 1994, and has been developed for nearly 20 years. Practice has proved that legal aid is not only the protection of the right of judicial action and judicial justice, but also the interpretation of the basic human rights such as citizens' right to exist and equality, as well as the constitutional principle that "all citizens are equal before the law". The regulations on legal Aid promulgated in 2003 are the first special unified legislation on legal aid in China. However, with the development of socialist market economy and the acceleration of the process of building a country ruled by law, its drawbacks are becoming increasingly prominent. According to the background of China's special national conditions and the development of foreign legal aid, this paper holds that legal aid should belong to social assistance. It is not only the inevitable choice to perfect the legal aid system, but also the effective way to establish a comprehensive social security system to formulate the legal aid law on the basis of "legal Aid regulations". From the macro point of view, this paper analyzes the nature and hierarchy of legal aid law from the perspective of social assistance, and constructs its legal principles and system structure on the basis of the original legal Aid regulations. In order to meet the needs of social development, the principle of protecting the legal aid rights of the poor and the weak and the principle of market-oriented operation of the legal aid system have been added to the legal principles. On the micro level, this paper supplements and modifies the main system, among which there are two obvious changes: one is to apply the market-oriented operation mechanism to the implementation of legal aid, in order to avoid the malpractice brought by administrative assignment and to improve the efficiency of legal aid. Second, we should innovate the legal aid fund management system, establish a legal aid fund guarantee mechanism, set up a provincial legal aid fund to manage and market the funds, and ensure that the legal aid fund management is scientific and transparent. Effectively maintain and increase value to overcome the shortcomings of the current system and management, better protect the vulnerable groups, and protect the people's livelihood. After the relevant argumentation and the system supplement, this article forms the legal aid law proposal draft, because of the limited knowledge, the practice insufficiency, may have the flaw, but the thesis writing process earnestly carefully, tries to innovate, With a view to our unified legislation on legal aid slightly contribution.
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