本文选题:服刑人员 + 愤怒情绪 ; 参考:《漳州师范学院》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:易怒是服刑人员的重要人格特征,也是影响服刑人员改造质量的重要因素之一。愤怒属于一种激情状态,在这种状态下,个体意识范围缩小,理性分析能力降低,自我控制力减弱,不能对当前所面对的问题做出较全面的了解,不能正确预计自己行动的意义和后果,而做出违反纪律的事情,如打架斗殴、反抗管理等,使改造成绩受到影响。愤怒情绪的产生的原因有,不良人际关系、挫折、持续的痛苦等[1]。但是,愤怒情绪并不是有因必有果,很多情况下个体能够很好的控制自己的情绪,让自己的头脑保持清醒,尽可能收集多方面的信息,对情境做出最为合理的判断,不致做出会让他人受伤、让自己后悔的事情。据调查研究,能够在挫折情境中,保持头脑清醒不会发怒的个体具有一个共同点,那就是——能从身边的人那里获得足够的支持,而获得支持的一个必要条件就是与周围的人建立良好的依恋关系。 本研究的目的在于,调查服刑人员愤怒情绪特征与父母、同伴依恋之间的关系,并在调查结果的基础上,进一步探索依恋对象(本研究中采用的是同伴依恋)的陪伴及陪伴者与被试之间的空间距离,对不同依恋类型服刑人员的愤怒情绪产生的影响。为此,本研究共包含三个研究:研究一,用《状态—特质愤怒量表》和《IPPA》量表,对900名服刑人员进行调查,并分析服刑人员状态怒、特质怒、愤怒克制、内向怒、外向怒与父母、同伴依恋之间的关系;研究二,选取32名被试,以生物反馈仪为实验工具获取数据,以依恋类型及依恋对象的陪伴行为为自变量,陪伴者与被试之间的距离为1m,以Amplitude BVP(血容量波动振幅)为因变量,研究依恋对象的陪伴对不同依恋类型个体的愤怒产生的影响;研究三,选取32名被试,同样以生物反馈仪为研究工具获取数据,以被试依恋类型及陪伴者与被试之间的距离(0.15m、4m)为自变量,以AmplitudeBVP(血容量波动振幅)为因变量,研究陪伴者与被试之间的空间距离是否会影响其愤怒情绪。 研究结果显示如下: 1、服刑人员愤怒情绪与人口学资料之间的相关:已服刑期在3~10年的服刑人员,其状态怒和特质怒显著低于已服刑期小于3年和大于10年的服刑人员;文化水平越高的服刑人员其状态怒、特质怒及内向怒显著低于文化水平低的服刑人员,并且愤怒克制能力显著高于文化水平低的服刑人员;已婚服刑人员的特质怒高于未婚服刑人员,其愤怒克制低于未婚服刑人员;年龄小于20岁及大于50岁的服刑人员的特质怒显著高于21~30岁、31~40岁、41~50岁的服刑人员。 2、服刑人员愤怒情绪与父母-同伴依恋之间的关系:与母亲、父亲及同伴有良好的依恋关系,相互信任并经常交流的服刑人员,其状态怒、特质怒显著低于其他服刑人员,其愤怒克制能力显著高于其他服刑人员;与母亲、父亲及同伴有良好的依恋关系,相互信任,与同伴交流舒畅的服刑人员,其内向怒水平较低;与母亲、父亲及同伴关系疏远的服刑人员,其内向怒水平较高;与母亲、父亲、同伴存在良好的依恋关系,相互信任,与父亲交流舒畅的服刑人员,其外向怒水平较低;与母亲、父亲及同伴关系疏远的服刑人员,其外向怒水平较高。 3、同伴的陪伴对服刑人员愤怒情绪产生的影响(陪伴者与被试相距1m):同伴的陪伴对服刑人员的愤怒情绪没有产生显著影响,,表现为在同伴的陪伴下,服刑人员的Amplitude BVP降低。 4、陪伴者与服刑人员之间的距离对其愤怒情绪产生的影响:同伴对服刑人员愤怒情绪的影响受到二者之间的距离的影响,当同伴与服刑人员之间的空间距离为0.15m时,服刑人员的Amplitude BVP显著降低,当同伴与服刑人员之间的空间距离为4m时,服刑人员的Amplitude BVP没有显著变化。 结论:服刑人员的愤怒情绪除了与其婚姻状况、文化水平、年龄、已服刑期等人口学资料有关之外,与其与父母-同伴之间的依恋关系有显著相关,与父母、同伴有良好依恋关系,相互信任、交流的服刑人员,其状态怒、特质怒显著低于其他服刑人员,其愤怒控制能力显著高于其他服刑人员;同伴对服刑人员的愤怒情绪产生影响作用,但这种影响作用受到二者之间空间距离的影响,0.15m的空间距离利于同伴对服刑人员的愤怒情绪产生影响。
[Abstract]:Irritability is one of the important personality characteristics of the prisoners, and one of the important factors affecting the quality of the prisoners' reform. Anger belongs to a state of passion. Under this condition, the scope of the individual consciousness is narrowed, the ability of rational analysis is reduced, and the self control is weakened, and it can not make a more comprehensive understanding of the current problems and can not be correctly predicted. The meaning and consequences of one's own action, and do things that violate the discipline, such as fighting and fighting, resisting management, etc., the results are affected. The causes of anger are [1]., bad interpersonal relationships, setbacks, persistent pain, etc. but anger does not have a cause, and in many cases individuals can control themselves well. Emotions, keep your mind awake, collect as many information as possible, make the most reasonable judgment of the situation, do not make the others hurt, and let yourself regret it. According to the investigation, the individual who can keep a clear mind and not anger in a setback situation has a common point, that is, from the side. A necessary condition for people to get enough support and support is to establish a good attachment relationship with the people around them.
The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between the anger emotional characteristics of the prisoners and the attachment of their parents and peers. On the basis of the results of the investigation, we further explore the space distance between the companionship and the companionship and the subjects, and the angry emotion of the different attachment types of prisoners. In this study, three studies were included in this study. First, 900 prisoners were investigated with the State - trait anger scale and
The results of the study are as follows:
1, the correlation between the anger of the prisoners and the data of the demography: the offenders who have taken the sentence of 3~10 years, whose state of anger and idiosyncratic anger are significantly lower than those who have taken a sentence of less than 3 years and more than 10 years, and the higher the cultural level of the prisoners are angry, the trait anger and the introverted anger are significantly lower than those of the lower cultural level. And the ability to indignation was significantly higher than that of low educated prisoners; the trait fury of married prisoners was higher than unmarried prisoners, and their anger restraint was lower than unmarried prisoners; the trait anger of prisoners aged less than 20 and over 50 years old was significantly higher than that of 21~30 years, 31~ 40, and 41~50 years of age.
2, the relationship between the anger of the prisoners and the parents' attachment attachment: a good attachment to the mother, the father and the companion, the mutual trust and frequent exchange of the prisoners, who were angry, and the trait anger was significantly lower than the other prisoners, and their anger and restraint were significantly higher than those of other prisoners, with their mothers, fathers and companions. A good relationship of attachment, mutual trust, and the exchange of good prisoners with their companions, whose infury level is low; the inmates who are estranged from their mother, father and companion have a higher level of infury; they have good attachment to their mothers, fathers, and companions, trust each other, and communicate with their father. The low level of outgoing anger of prisoners who are estranged from their mothers, fathers and peers.
3, the influence of companionship's companionship on the anger of the prisoners (accompanied by 1m): companions' companionship had no significant influence on the anger of the prisoners, showing that under the companionship of the companions, the Amplitude BVP of the prisoners was reduced.
4, the influence of the distance between the companions and the prisoners on their anger: the influence of the companions on the anger of the prisoners was influenced by the distance between the two. When the space distance between the companion and the prisoners was 0.15m, the Amplitude BVP of the prisoners was significantly reduced, and the space distance between the companion and the prisoners was in the space. For 4m, the Amplitude BVP of prisoners did not change significantly.
Conclusion: in addition to their marital status, cultural level, age, and term of sentence, the anger of the prisoners is related to the attachment relationship with their parents and peers. They have a good relationship with their parents and peers. They have a good relationship of attachment, mutual trust, and inflow. The prisoners' ability to control anger is significantly higher than that of other prisoners, and the companions have an impact on the anger of the prisoners, but the effect is influenced by the spatial distance between the two, and the space distance of the 0.15m is beneficial to the anger of the prisoners.
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