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发布时间:2018-07-02 21:23

  本文选题:公证制度 + 公信力 ; 参考:《山西大学》2012年硕士论文

【摘要】:公证的公信力是公证赢得社会公众信任和信赖的能力,公证的最大价值体现在“信”字上。如果公证的公信力缺失,则会影响人们对公证制度的信赖和国家法治的信仰。因此,加强对公证公信力的理论研究,通过研究进一步促进我国公证公信力建设的完善就显得尤为重要。本文共分为三部分论述我国公证公信力建设的相关问题。第一部分论述了国内外公证公信力的立法状况以及我国公证公信力建设的历史沿革。我国的公证法律体系已初步建成,公证的公信力作为一科-抽象的原则,作为一条法律条文必须围绕的主线,贯穿于公证法律规范的始终,引导着公证事业的良性发展。本文对我国封建社会公证制度的萌芽,民国时期、新中国成立后以及改革开放以来公证制度的发展概况分别进行了简要介绍,对我国现行公证法进行了简短的分析。第二部分是对我国公证公信力的问题及其诚信流失的成因进行剖析。虽然我国公证制度为法制体系的建设做出了突出的贡献,但公证的公信力正在遭遇不断流失的危机,主要表现在:公证机构性质不明显导公证公信力效力层次不一,公证从业人员职业道德素质不高,业务水平参差不齐,不正当竞争时有发生,公证审查方式不统一,在程序上存在违法操作的空间。第三部分是对维护和提高我国公证公信力提出的对策。经过对公证公信力的再认识,本文以公证机构的性质、公证人员的性质以及公证事项的受理范围为切入点,从完善公证法律体系,提高公证员整体水平,规范公证程序、严格审查核实,强化监管力度、明确监督对象四个方面提出了构建和提高我国公证公信力的具体措施。 本论文采用制度分析法、案例分析法和对比分析法,运用法律思维,收集了与公证制度有关的国内外相关资料和实例,深入分析我国公证公信力的而临的现实困境,并对增强我国公证公信力提出有益的对策,希望对我国公证公信力的建设有所帮助。
[Abstract]:The credibility of notarization is the ability of notarization to win the trust and trust of the public. The greatest value of notarization is embodied in the word "trust". If the credibility of notarization is lacking, it will affect people's trust in notarization system and the belief in the rule of law in the country. Therefore, it is very important to strengthen the theoretical research on the notarization credibility and to further promote the construction of the notarization credibility in our country. This article is divided into three parts to discuss the construction of public trust of notarization in China. The first part discusses the legislation of notarization credibility at home and abroad and the history of the construction of notarization credibility in China. The notarization legal system of our country has been built up initially, the public trust of notarization is regarded as a subject-abstract principle, as the main line that a legal provision must revolve around, runs through the notarization legal norm from beginning to end, guides the benign development of the notarization cause. This paper gives a brief introduction to the development of the notarization system in China's feudal society during the period of the Republic of China, after the founding of New China and since the reform and opening up, and makes a brief analysis of the current notarization law of our country. The second part is to analyze the problem of notarization credibility and the causes of its loss. Although the notarization system of our country has made outstanding contribution to the construction of the legal system, the credibility of notarization is experiencing a constant loss of crisis, mainly in the following aspects: the nature of the notarization organization is not obvious, and the level of the effectiveness of the notarial credibility is different. The quality of notarization practitioners is not high, the level of business is uneven, unfair competition occurs from time to time, the way of notarization review is not unified, and there is room for illegal operation in procedure. The third part is the countermeasures to maintain and improve the public trust of notarization in our country. Through a new understanding of the public trust of notarization, this paper starts with the nature of the notary institution, the nature of the notary staff and the scope of acceptance of the notary affairs, from perfecting the legal system of notarization, improving the overall level of notaries, and standardizing the notarization procedure. The concrete measures to construct and improve the public trust of notarization in our country are put forward in four aspects: strict examination and verification, strengthening supervision and clear supervision object. This thesis adopts the system analysis method, the case analysis method and the contrast analysis method, using the legal thinking, has collected the domestic and foreign related information and the example related to the notarization system, deeply analyzed our country notarization credibility but the present predicament, It also puts forward some useful countermeasures to strengthen the public trust of notarization in our country, hoping to help the construction of the public trust of notarization in our country.


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