发布时间:2018-07-11 21:49
本文选题:法官回避制度 + 价值 ; 参考:《西南政法大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:法官回避制度包括法官诉讼回避、法官任职回避和法官地区回避。法官回避制度的良好运行,可以将可能对案件审理产生偏私的法官排除出案件审理过程,从而对维护司法的公正性具有积极的作用。 但是,现行的法官回避制度并不完善,存在许多弊端,极大的制约了法官回避制度在司法实践中作用的发挥。与此形成鲜明对比的是,法官回避制度并没有引起学界和实务界的足够重视,对此方面的研究仅仅限于“头痛医头,脚痛医脚”,研究不深入。鉴于法官回避制度在实践中的现状及其重要意义,为了更好的发挥该项制度应有的功能,更好地维护司法的公正性,保障当事人的权利,最高人民法院2011年颁布了《关于对配偶子女从事律师职业的法院领导干部和审判执行岗位法官实行任职回避的规定》(以下称任职回避规定)。本文为了提出合理的法官回避制度的完善建议,着重对蕴含在法官回避制度背后的法官回避制度追求的价值进行分析,,进而在其价值的指引下,系统地完善我国的法官回避制度。 除了引言和结语外,本文一共分为以下四部分: 第一部分是对法官回避制度价值基本概念进行界定。在本部分中,笔者将法官回避制度价值的概念予以分解,分别界定法官、回避、价值的概念,然后在对三个概念分析的基础上提出对于法官回避制度价值的界定。所谓法官回避制度价值,指的是该项制度与人之间的一种需求和满足关系,即法官回避制度对于主体需要的满足。 第二部分主要对法官回避制度所具有的具体价值进行分析。笔者在第一部分中,认为价值的本质就是一种需求和满足关系,也就是客体对于主体需求的满足。因此,不同主体在不同需求之下,具有不同的价值。据此笔者在阐述法官回避制度价值的时候,也从对抗双方、法官、社会公众三方的需求角度,分别分析法官回避制度对于不同主体所具有的价值。 第三部分是对中外法官回避制度发展历史中所体现的价值追求的分析。随着历史的发展前进,法官回避制度也随之不断的完善。但是,中外法官回避制度从不完善走向完善的过程并不是随性的,也不是杂乱无章的,中外不同国家法官回避制度发展完善都是基于对一定价值的追求,都是在相关价值的指引下不断纠正、不断进步。笔者在此部分中,就着重对中外法官回避制度在发展完善的过程中所体现的价值追求进行阐述,试图理顺法官回避制度发展的价值指向。 第四部分主要阐述如何在法官回避制度价值的指引下,完善我国的法官回避制度。在本章中,笔者首先对我国关于该制度的立法现状进行剖析,并且指出我国的法官回避制度存在的三个方面的主要问题,进而在法官回避制度价值指引下,提出完善我国法官回避制度的建议。
[Abstract]:The system of disqualification includes the challenge of judge, the recusal of judge and the recusal of district. The good operation of the system of disqualification of judges can exclude the judges who may be biased to the trial of cases from the trial process and thus play a positive role in safeguarding the impartiality of the judiciary. However, the current system of disqualification of judges is not perfect, there are many drawbacks, which greatly restricts the role of the system in judicial practice. By contrast, the system of disqualification of judges has not attracted enough attention from the academic and practical circles. The research on this aspect is limited to "treating head pain, treating foot and foot", and the research is not thorough. In view of the present situation of the system of disqualification of judges in practice and its important significance, in order to give full play to the functions of the system, to safeguard the fairness of justice and the rights of the parties, In 2011, the Supreme people's Court promulgated the provisions on disqualification of judges and leading cadres of the court engaged in the profession of spouses and children as lawyers (hereinafter referred to as the provisions on disqualification). In order to put forward some suggestions for the perfection of the system of disqualification of judges, this paper focuses on the analysis of the value of the system of recusal of judges, which is contained in the system of recusal of judges, and then under the guidance of its value. Systematically improve the system of disqualification of judges in our country. In addition to the introduction and conclusion, this paper is divided into the following four parts: the first part is to define the basic concept of the value of the system of withdrawal of judges. In this part, the author decomposes the concept of the value of the system of challenge of judges, defines the concepts of judge, challenge and value respectively, and then puts forward the definition of the value of the system of challenge of judges on the basis of the analysis of the three concepts. The value of the system of recusal of judges refers to the need and satisfaction relationship between the system and the people, that is to say, the system of challenge of judges satisfies the needs of the subject. The second part mainly analyzes the specific value of the system. In the first part, the author thinks that the essence of value is a kind of demand and satisfaction relation, that is, the object satisfies the subject demand. Therefore, different subjects have different values under different needs. On this basis, the author analyzes the value of the system for different subjects from the point of view of the needs of the parties, judges and the public. The third part is the analysis of the value pursuit reflected in the development history of Chinese and foreign judges' recusal system. With the development of history, the system of recusal of judges has been improved. However, the process of the Chinese and foreign judges' recusal system from imperfection to perfection is not random, nor is it random. The development and perfection of the system is based on the pursuit of certain value. Are under the guidance of the value of the continuous correction, continuous progress. In this part, the author emphatically expounds the value pursuit of the Chinese and foreign judges' recusal system in the process of development and perfection, and tries to straighten out the value direction of the development of the judges' recusal system. The fourth part mainly expounds how to perfect the system of disqualification of judges under the guidance of the value of the system of disqualification of judges. In this chapter, the author first analyzes the current legislative situation of this system in China, and points out the main problems in three aspects of the system, and then under the guidance of the value of the system, Some suggestions are put forward to perfect the system of disqualification of judges in our country.
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