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发布时间:2018-08-01 19:08
[Abstract]:With the reform of prison system and the adjustment of prison layout, and the change of the demand mode of medical and health service in the prison system of the whole province, the sustainable development of medical and health care in the prison general hospital is faced with some problems to be solved urgently. In particular, after the revision of the Criminal procedure Law, the commutation of death penalty for life offenders will be further restricted, and more sick prisoners will be precipitated in prisons, thus increasing the pressure on supervision and security at the same time. In order to actively place itself in the overall situation of prison security and stability in the whole province, to better meet the growing objective demand for quality medical services in the prison system of the whole province, and to focus on solving the problem of supervision, The contradiction between the complex situation of "double safety" of medical treatment and the low level of overall development of all new prisons, the contradiction between the dual attributes of prisons and hospitals and the management mode suitable for prisons and hospitals, The contradiction between the continuous increase of medical demand and the shortage of medical core competitiveness, further straightening out the relationship among prison, hospital and enterprise, straightening out the relationship between medical care and health work and supervision and reform by taking the road of characteristic development, and taking the road of scientific development; Straighten out the relationship between stage key work and long-term development goal, take the road of rapid development. Unblocking the channels of introducing talents, expanding the ways of talent cultivation, formulating the concrete measures and long-term plans for the construction of talents, accurately grasping the key points of the work, making great efforts to construct the practical guarantee mechanism for the Feihe Prison (General Hospital of Prison); To solve the problem of system restriction, to build a management mechanism that can embody the dual attributes of supervision and medical treatment in Feihe Prison (General Hospital of Prison), to enhance the ability of independent innovation, This paper tries to construct an operational mechanism to speed up the development of medical and health care in Feihe Prison (General Hospital of Prison), optimize the service flow of entering the hospital, and construct a comprehensive service mechanism of medical and health work in Feihe Prison (General Hospital of Prison). Through investigation and investigation, the development orientation and direction have been further clarified, which has played a great role in improving the medical service work of the General Hospital, enhancing the mutual understanding between doctors and patients, and setting up a symmetrical platform of doctor-patient information.


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