[Abstract]:The 1937 Constitutional Revolution witnessed a major change in the history of American law, in which the Federal Supreme Court played an important role. This change, which is mainly reflected in the judicial field, has finally led to profound changes in all levels of society. The most immediate change for the Supreme Court is that it abandoned its absolute belief in legal Darwinism and ended the era of legal Darwinism. After the Civil War, legal Darwinism was accepted by the legal profession in order to meet the legal needs of the gilded age. From the Fuller Court (1888-1910), legal Darwinism became the legal philosophy foundation of the Supreme Court and was expressed in various aspects of society through different issues. During this period, the economic concept of laissez-faire and the absolute protection of economic freedom by the court became the symbol of the times. In the 20 ~ (th) century, the malpractice of the free economy began to highlight, and the welfare state system under the government's public power intervention became the demand of the new era. However, the Supreme Court still clung to its old legal philosophy and refused to legislate to interfere and regulate the free economy. This position of the Supreme Court conflicted with the purpose of Roosevelt's New deal in the 1930s, which led to the constitutional crisis between the President and the Supreme Court. Finally, in a series of judicial decisions in 1937, the Supreme Court completely changed its original position and recognized the interference and regulation of legislation on economic freedom, thus triggering a real "constitutional revolution". Looking back at this historical process, we can find that the factors influencing the "constitutional revolution" are pluralistic. The pressure of the administrative branch, the wishes of the people, the needs of the times and the judicial personality of the justices all affect the process of the "constitutional revolution" to varying degrees. Consideration of these factors contributes to a more comprehensive understanding of the Constitutional Revolution. However, the most important reason for the successful transformation of the Supreme Court in this constitutional crisis lies in the negative nature of judicial power itself. Driven by the nature of judicial power, the Supreme Court repositioned itself at the critical moment of the Constitutional Revolution.
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