[Abstract]:Since the end of the 1980s, there have been great differences between the Supreme Court of the United States on whether and how to invoke foreign law and so on. The controversy has even gone far beyond the specific cases and gradually become a public issue. On whether or not they should be invoked, supporters cite globalization, value exports and the need to defend national interests and respond to lawyers, while opponents use American exceptionalism as a violation of democratic principles. Context discusses the possibility of misreading and misuse and may lead to judicial arbitrariness. On how to invoke, the conservative justices put forward a series of technical regulations. In terms of invoking effect, the proponents believe that foreign law constitutes a persuasive authority. The experience of the United States shows that it is more meaningful to discuss the relationship between legal transplantation and localization and its advantages and disadvantages from the point of view of specific system or legal issues.
【作者单位】: 上海交通大学凯原法学院;上海市闵行区人民检察院;
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