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发布时间:2018-10-16 12:34
【摘要】:根据大陆法系公证制度(或称拉丁公证制度)的传统,公证书具有毋庸置疑的证据力和执行力。在公证制度中,赋予符合法定条件的公证文书以执行力,是公证机关的主要业务之一,这是国家强制力在公证活动中的重要体现。经过公证赋予文书强制执行的效力,在债务人不履行或者不适当履行文书义务时,债权人可以直接申请法院强制执行,而无需再经过诉讼程序,这样就缩短了权利实现的过程,及时有效的保护了债权人的合法权益。 自2003年我国正式加入国际拉丁公证联盟之后,我国的公证制度得到了迅速发展。但是,在我国公证文书强制执行制度较拉丁公证联盟其他国家却始终发展缓慢。这主要是由于我国相关公证立法的滞后,内容规定的笼统,从而导致各地对法律规定的理解不同,在实践中的运用不统一。这些现状的存在无不影响着我国公证文书强制执行制度在司法实践中发挥其应有的预防作用。 本文采用比较法、分析推理法、历史分析法、解释法等方法,旨在通过对公证文书强制执行制度的含义、历史演进、特点、作用及其内容的分析阐述和对各国及地区现有制度的比较,从中找出我国相关制度在立法与实践中存在的不足,并提出解决现存问题的对策,希望能够为我国公证文书强制执行制度的完善提供参考。 本文主要分为三部分。第一部分是关于公证文书强制执行制度的概述,主要分析论述该制度的含义、特点、作用、理论基础和价值取向。第二部分主要通过对各国及地区公证文书强制执行制度的比较分析,从中发现该制度的规律和可供我国参考借鉴的内容和精神。第三部分主要是从我国公证文书强制执行制度现状入手,分析我国现有立法规定和实践操作中存在的问题和不足,并提出笔者的完善意见:包括扩大现有制度的适用范围、完善执行证书制度和审查制度、以及细化诉讼救济制度。
[Abstract]:According to the tradition of civil law notarization (or Latin notarization), notarization has no doubt of evidence and execution. In the system of notarization, it is one of the main business of the notary organs to give the execution power to the notarization documents which accord with the legal conditions, which is the important embodiment of the national compulsion in the notarization activities. If the debtor fails to perform or improperly perform the obligations of the instrument after notarization, the creditor may apply directly to the court for enforcement without having to go through any further proceedings, thus shortening the process of the realization of the right. Timely and effective protection of the legitimate rights and interests of creditors. Since 2003, our country formally joined the international Latin notarization alliance, our country notarization system has obtained the rapid development. However, the enforcement system of notarization documents in our country is slower than that in other countries of Latin notarization alliance. This is mainly due to the lag of the relevant notarization legislation and the general provisions of the content, which leads to different understanding of the legal provisions and inconsistent application in practice. The existence of these situations affects the enforcement system of notarization documents in the judicial practice to play its due preventive role. This paper adopts comparative method, analytical reasoning method, historical analysis method, interpretation method and so on. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the meaning, historical evolution and characteristics of the enforcement system of notarization documents. Function and its contents are analyzed and compared with the existing systems in various countries and regions, from which the deficiencies of the relevant systems in legislation and practice are found, and the countermeasures to solve the existing problems are put forward. Hope to be able to provide a reference for the improvement of the enforcement system of notarization documents in China. This paper is divided into three parts. The first part is an overview of the enforcement system of notarization documents, mainly analyzes the meaning, characteristics, role, theoretical basis and value orientation of the system. In the second part, through the comparative analysis of the enforcement system of notarization documents in various countries and regions, the author finds out the law of the system and the contents and spirit that can be used for reference in our country. The third part is mainly from our country notarization document enforcement system present situation, analyzes our country present legislation stipulation and the practice operation existence question and the insufficiency, and puts forward the author's consummation opinion: including expands the existing system the scope of application. Improve the implementation of the certificate system and review system, as well as detailed litigation relief system.


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