[Abstract]:To strengthen the construction of core values is the urgent need to solve the problem of "value confusion", and to establish and practice the core values of political and legal policemen depends on self-consciousness and external force. " Loyalty "requires loyalty to the Party, the motherland, the people and the law." For the people, "it is necessary to establish the main body, sovereignty, and master status of the people; to safeguard human rights, people's livelihood, and justice; civilization, convenience and consummate law enforcement; and to solve well the needs of the masses, the concerns of the masses, and the satisfaction of the masses." Justice "must realize the judicial fairness and justice, the judicial justice achieves all equality, the entity justice, the procedure justice." Incorruptible "should be indifferent to private interests, build a strong ideological defense; self-discipline, strict discipline bottom line, refusing bribery and corruption, far from the red line of law."
【作者单位】: 国家检察官学院吉林分院;
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