[Abstract]:Because of the contradiction between the traditional prison execution closed imprisonment method and the final return of the prisoners to the society, the reform of the present execution system of our country, the development and improvement of the open treatment system in our country, and the alleviation of the malpractice of closed imprisonment. It is a matter of course to promote the criminals to return to society smoothly. As the main way to socialize the execution of prison sentences, the open system of punishment is to reduce the restrictions on the freedom of criminals and increase the trust of criminals by removing the prison walls and other forms without affecting the execution of penalties. A crime correction system that minimizes the distance between prisoners and their normal lives. It is different from community penalty, parole, execution outside prison, control and so on. The development of open system is an important manifestation of the socialization theory of prison execution. With the deepening of our research on the perpetrators and the rationalization of our understanding of the phenomenon of crime and punishment, we gradually realize the contradiction between the purpose of the execution of imprisonment and the essence of imprisonment, and reform the traditional execution mode more clearly. It is the fundamental way to take the open approach, which is the theoretical basis of constructing the open place encounter system in our country. The United States, France, Japan and other countries in the construction of open system, for our country to provide a lot of experience. At the same time, the execution organs of our country have also explored a series of open approach with Chinese characteristics and achieved certain results, but its development in China is restricted by such factors as policy and idealistic constraints. To establish and perfect the open system, we should follow the following basic principles: adhering to the principle of active prudence, highly unifying the political nature and the rule of law of the prison, governing by law and unifying the principle of governing according to law, and integrating harmony with the reform of criminals and the fulfillment of their obligations. Adhere to the overall consideration, the overall promotion of open prison system in China's innovation. As for the concrete measures, we should consider the establishment of prison for criminals out of prison and prison for short term in every prefectural city. At the same time, we should perfect the system of dealing with criminals at different levels and establish a systematic system of open treatment measures. In terms of applicable object, we should consider the criminal and criminal behavior synthetically, and set up different degree open place meeting ladder. In terms of implementation procedures, the author believes that the types, applicable conditions, restrictions and prohibition conditions of open places should be very specific, and at the same time, a sound supervision mechanism should be established in order to achieve social security as far as possible. The coordination and balance between the value of correcting the criminal.
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