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发布时间:2019-01-08 14:26
【摘要】:本文研究的对象是司法价值观。近些年,随着诸多具有影响性诉讼案件累积性地进入公众视野,,司法逐渐成为了社会广泛关注的对象,但是在对司法的认知上却存在着非常大的分歧。笔者认为造成司法认知的差异的主要原因是司法上价值观的冲突。 全文分引言、正文和结语三个部分。引言部分介绍了论文的选题的原因、选题意义、研究的理论依据等。结语是本文写作目的进一步阐述,也是本文的结论所在。其余是本文的几轮部分。正文共有五章。 正文第一章介绍了当代中国司法上的价值观冲突的四个特征:冲突的激烈性、冲突的复杂性、冲突的持续性、冲突的深刻性。这些特征无一不是转型社会的司法上的投影,但由于司法的特殊性,这些特征在内容上又表现出了自己的个性。 正文第二章总结了当代中国司法上的价值观冲突的五个表现:事实认定上的价值观冲突、程序功能上的冲突、裁判依据上的冲突、裁判结果上的冲突、司法监督上的冲突。 正文第三章分析了当代中国司法上的价值观冲突的七个原因:评价逻辑的差异性、纠纷利益的多样性、诉讼观的差异性、成文法的局限性、法律关系的新颖性、法律价值的相对性、法律价值的多元性。 正文第四章概括了整合司法上价值观冲突的四个原则:程序至上原则、价值位阶原则、坚持法定原则、个案正义原则。 正文第五章提出了整合司法上的价值观冲突的六个路径:重新定位司法功能、树立司法核心价值观、培养公民信仰法律的精神、把握个案正义的尺度、完善司法公开制度、发挥司法的公共政策功能。 本文的结论是:我们现在对司法的理解依然是片面的,司法的功能和作用不仅仅是表面上的解决纠纷和保护合法权益,司法还具有形成主流价值观和整合价值观冲突的功能和作用。我们应该把个案当做是社会冲突的缩影,从个案纠纷中把出整个社会价值观分裂和冲突的病根的脉搏,并从司法上开出解决该问题的药方。司法审判活动不仅仅是解决个案矛盾,而是对社会价值观冲突进行一次制度性的法律实践补救,更是为我们的社会提供一套凝聚人心的共同价值共识。
[Abstract]:The object of this paper is judicial values. In recent years, with the accumulation of a number of influential litigation cases into the public view, the judiciary has gradually become the object of widespread social concern, but there are great differences in judicial cognition. The author thinks that the main reason for the difference of judicial notice is the conflict of values. The full text is divided into three parts: introduction, text and conclusion. The introduction introduces the reason, significance and theoretical basis of the thesis. Conclusion is the further elaboration of the purpose of this paper, and also the conclusion of this paper. The rest are several rounds of this article. There are five chapters in the text. The first chapter introduces the four characteristics of the conflict of values in contemporary China: the intensity of the conflict, the complexity of the conflict, the persistence of the conflict, and the depth of the conflict. All of these features are not the projection of justice in the transitional society, but because of the particularity of the judicature, these characteristics show their own individuality in content. The second chapter summarizes the five manifestations of the conflict of values in contemporary China: the conflict of values in fact, the conflict of procedural function, the conflict on the basis of adjudication, the conflict in the result of judgment, and the conflict in judicial supervision. The third chapter analyzes the seven reasons of the value conflict in contemporary China: the difference of evaluation logic, the diversity of dispute interests, the difference of litigation view, the limitation of statutory law, the novelty of legal relationship. The relativity of legal value and the pluralism of legal value. Chapter four summarizes the four principles of integrating the conflict of values in the judicial system: the principle of procedure supremacy, the principle of value rank, the principle of adhering to the legal principle and the principle of case justice. The fifth chapter of the text puts forward six ways to integrate the conflict of values in the judicature: reorienting the judicial function, establishing the core values of the judicature, cultivating the spirit of the citizen's belief in the law, grasping the measure of the justice of the individual case, and perfecting the system of judicial openness. Give full play to the public policy function of the judiciary. The conclusion of this paper is: our understanding of justice is still one-sided, and the function and function of justice is not merely superficial dispute resolution and protection of legitimate rights and interests. Justice also has the function and function of forming mainstream values and integrating values conflict. We should regard the case as the epitome of the social conflict, draw the pulse of the whole social values division and the root of the conflict from the individual dispute, and draw up the remedy to solve the problem from the judicial point of view. Judicial action is not only to solve the contradiction of individual cases, but also to remedy the conflict of social values in a systematic way, and to provide a common sense of value for our society.


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