[Abstract]:In trial practice, how to effectively consider public opinion, avoid blind eyes caused by ignoring public opinion, avoid judicial isolation and pride, aloofness, apathy, and avoid the phenomenon that the judiciary is influenced by public opinion and public opinion, and recoils in front of politics, Cultivating people's belief in the rule of law is something every legal person must face. This paper attempts to complete the writing of the public opinion in trial practice from four aspects: the concept, the constitution, the influence on the trial, the necessity of considering the public opinion, the principle of considering the public opinion, and the mechanism of considering the public opinion. At the beginning of this paper, the author makes a detailed analysis of public opinion, which is divided into three angles: the main body of expressing public opinion, the way of expressing public opinion and the platform of expressing public opinion. In addition, it classifies public opinion from the angle of whether it promotes the process of rule of law, whether it is reasonable or not, whether it is true or not, and examines the influence of public opinion on the administration of justice. This influence is divided into two aspects: related historical investigation and our country's investigation of public opinion in recent decades. These studies are mainly to clarify the ideas of public opinion, can have a relatively clear understanding of public opinion. The second part of this article is mainly about the relationship between the consideration of public opinion and justice. From a theoretical point of view, if we want to pursue judicial justice, we should reject public opinion itself, but specifically to the current situation of our country's trials. The proper consideration of public opinion is to pursue judicial justice, and the consideration of public opinion and the pursuit of justice is a relationship between cause and effect, or the pursuit of justice is the guiding ideology of considering public opinion. The consideration of public opinion is not the temporary submission of public opinion, but in order to really understand the aspirations of the public, to integrate justice into the public, to achieve harmonious justice, sunshine justice. In trial practice, we should not only consider public opinion, but also put public opinion under the yoke. Only in this way can we not only listen to public opinion, but also safeguard the basic dignity of the law and judicial justice in a realistic sense, and at the same time, we can not be isolated from society. We are not disconnected from society and are not burdened by public opinion. The principle of considering public opinion according to law emphasizes that when facing public opinion, judges should not be influenced by public opinion, put public opinion within the scope of law and consider according to legal procedure. Strict the principle of public opinion scope, pay attention to the consideration of public opinion cases are limited to the greater discretion of the case, this is the law of stability and predictability, to maintain a high degree of openness principle, is the sunshine of justice, the inevitable requirements of justice; Public opinion should follow the principle of initiative, emphasize the subjective initiative of judicature, and satisfy the public's demand for justice. Under the guidance of the above four principles, the public opinion consideration and the pursuit of justice can be achieved through seeking the working mechanism of public opinion evaluation. First of all, the formation mechanism of public opinion should be constructed. The premise of the formation mechanism is that the public opinion has sufficient tolerance to the judiciary, and the necessary condition is that the legal community and scholars have sufficient support for the judiciary. Secondly, to establish a variety of ways to consider public opinion. Most of the existing platforms for the consideration of public opinion are based on the consideration of public opinion on the Internet. Internet public opinion has its own advantages, but it also has great shortcomings. Therefore, it is necessary to build a variety of platforms to consider public opinion. Public opinion measures are divided into specific responses and general responses. The system of judicial consideration of public opinion also includes two kinds, such as paying attention to the system of people's jury in the course of trial; in the content of judgment, strengthening the reasoning of the judgment book and persuading the parties from the angle of the judge.
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