发布时间:2019-01-24 22:20
【摘要】:民事执行听证是在民事执行过程中,经利害关系人申请或执行法院依职权举行的,由执行法院组织并召集相关人员到场,以举证、质证和辩论等方式,公开听取利害关系人意见,查清事实,并居中做出裁决,保障法院执行工作顺利进行的活动。 民事执行听证呈现出公开性、法定性、普适性和程序性等特征。是近几年法院较青睐的执行方式,它通过公开听取当事人意见,化解执行过程中的矛盾和纠纷,缓和矛盾,提高效率,增加法院执行工作的透明度,促进司法现代化的发展。由于目前我国缺乏对民事执行听证系统的法律规范,使得民事执行听证实践呈现出浓厚的地方色彩,随意性较大,不利于民事执行听证的制度化发展,也不符合现代法治的要求。 为了进一步规范民事执行听证,有必要从立法上对其进行规范。具体来说,比较理想的状态就是制定《民事执行听证程序法》,程序设置原则上应当注重效率,摒弃听证前的准备程序,切忌把听证装扮成准开庭模式。 通过对民事执行听证程序的规范,以期更好的指导民事执行听证实践,使听证实践更加合法、规范,提高执行行为的公开性和透明度,,最大程度的维护当事人合法权益,缓解“执行难”问题。
[Abstract]:The civil execution hearing is held by the interested parties on the application of the interested parties or by the enforcement court ex officio during the civil execution process, and the execution court organizes and convenes the relevant personnel to the scene to provide evidence, cross-examination and debate, etc. Listen to interested parties openly, find out the facts, and make decisions in the center to ensure the smooth execution of the court. The civil execution hearing is characterized by openness, legality, universality and procedure. In recent years, the court has preferred the execution method. It solves the contradictions and disputes in the execution process, improves the efficiency, increases the transparency of the court's execution, and promotes the development of the judicial modernization by openly listening to the opinions of the parties concerned, resolving the contradictions and disputes in the process of execution. Due to the lack of legal norms for the civil execution hearing system in our country at present, the practice of civil execution hearing takes on a strong local color and is arbitrary, which is not conducive to the development of the systematization of civil execution hearing. Nor is it in line with the requirements of the modern rule of law. In order to further standardize the civil execution hearing, it is necessary to regulate it in legislation. Specifically, the ideal state is to formulate the Civil execution hearing procedure Law. In principle, the procedure setting should pay attention to efficiency, abandon the preparatory procedure before the hearing, and avoid pretending the hearing as a quasi-court mode. By standardizing the procedure of the civil execution hearing, in order to better guide the practice of the civil execution hearing, to make the hearing practice more legal and standardized, to improve the openness and transparency of the execution, and to maximize the protection of the legitimate rights and interests of the parties, Ease the problem of "difficult execution".
[Abstract]:The civil execution hearing is held by the interested parties on the application of the interested parties or by the enforcement court ex officio during the civil execution process, and the execution court organizes and convenes the relevant personnel to the scene to provide evidence, cross-examination and debate, etc. Listen to interested parties openly, find out the facts, and make decisions in the center to ensure the smooth execution of the court. The civil execution hearing is characterized by openness, legality, universality and procedure. In recent years, the court has preferred the execution method. It solves the contradictions and disputes in the execution process, improves the efficiency, increases the transparency of the court's execution, and promotes the development of the judicial modernization by openly listening to the opinions of the parties concerned, resolving the contradictions and disputes in the process of execution. Due to the lack of legal norms for the civil execution hearing system in our country at present, the practice of civil execution hearing takes on a strong local color and is arbitrary, which is not conducive to the development of the systematization of civil execution hearing. Nor is it in line with the requirements of the modern rule of law. In order to further standardize the civil execution hearing, it is necessary to regulate it in legislation. Specifically, the ideal state is to formulate the Civil execution hearing procedure Law. In principle, the procedure setting should pay attention to efficiency, abandon the preparatory procedure before the hearing, and avoid pretending the hearing as a quasi-court mode. By standardizing the procedure of the civil execution hearing, in order to better guide the practice of the civil execution hearing, to make the hearing practice more legal and standardized, to improve the openness and transparency of the execution, and to maximize the protection of the legitimate rights and interests of the parties, Ease the problem of "difficult execution".
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相关硕士学位论文 前3条
1 宋志刚;我国民事执行听证程序之构建[D];郑州大学;2007年
2 许珑申;我国法院执行听证程序探析[D];华东政法学院;2007年
3 汪青松;民事执行听证程序探讨[D];山东大学;2008年