[Abstract]:In practice, the procuratorial committee studies three types of cases, "should be submitted to the procuratorial committee for decision," there are major differences of opinion "and" have significant social impact, "because the definition of scope is not clear enough, and the number of cases discussed by the procuratorial committee is likely to be excessive. Different proposals imbalance and other issues. In order to ensure that the procuratorial committee focuses on major cases and issues, and to meet the requirements of the reform of the responsibility system for handling cases, it is necessary to further improve the scope of the motion of the procuratorial committee. To set up the scope system of the layered motion that should be submitted to the procuratorial committee to decide the case-cases with significant social impact-cases with major differences of opinion, and to establish and perfect the pre-session procedure and evaluation mechanism of the bills of the procuratorial committee.
【作者单位】: 重庆市人民检察院;
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7 张e,