[Abstract]:The public of criminal trial can be realized through two ways of tradition and information. In the traditional way, the court's negative public announcement, the public rarely listens, the public implementation effect of the criminal trial fails to reach the expectation. In the background of information, many courts began to practice new measures such as the Internet of the referees, and played a certain role in the trial. However, in general, there is still a large number of grass-roots court information construction in the whole country which is relatively backward; the court that has started to implement the information disclosure also shows that the application is lagging behind the construction, and the effect is still limited. In the former case, it is thought that there is no need to make a public announcement, and it is the main reason why the court's negative announcement is the main cause of the court's negative announcement. The latter is the bottleneck of the information construction of the court, and the lack of perfect system regulation is the sticking point of its application to the construction. The future criminal trial should develop side-to-side, information and other forms of public disclosure at the same time.
【作者单位】: 四川大学法学院;
【基金】:国家社会科学基金重点项目“中国刑事审判运行机制改革实证研究”(10AFX008) 国家985工程四川大学社会矛盾与社会管理研究创新基地的支持
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