发布时间:2017-12-30 23:07
本文关键词:有限责任公司隐名投资法律分析 出处:《苏州大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:隐名投资现象在我国司法实践中屡有出现,2011年《最高人民法院关于适用中华人民共和国公司法若干问题的规定(三)》特别就此问题进行了规定,原则性地肯定实际出资人的利益受到法律的保护。这也使得对隐名投资问题进行进一步研究有了必要性。本文从对隐名投资协议的分析出发,分别探讨了隐名投资无效的情况下相关权益处理问题以及隐名投资有效的前提下,性质认定问题。同时,在隐名投资有效的情况下,本文尝试以信托理论解决其中的问题,并针对具体问题进行了分析。 本文共包括序言、正文和结论三个部分,其中正文共四章。 第一章为隐名投资概述。本章主要介绍了隐名投资的定义、起源以及法律特征。同时,,将与隐名投资相关的概念进行了辨析。本章为本文随后的论述奠定基础。 第二章为隐名投资法律现状的研究。本章主要从比较法的角度分别介绍了英美法系隐名投资的法律现状以及大陆法系隐名投资的法律现状。进而对我国目前隐名投资相关法律制度进行了总结归纳性的研究。同时,就我国目前的法律规定进行了分析,归纳出其中存在的一些问题。 第三章为对隐名投资法律关系的分析。该章为本文的核心部分。这一章中主要对隐名投资协议本身进行了分析。首先,对隐名投资协议的效力进行了分析。何种情况下,隐名投资协议属于无效?无效之后该如何处理?有效的情况下,隐名投资协议的性质如何认定,代理关系抑或信托关系? 第四章为信托制度下隐名投资问题的解决思路。在上一章分析得出隐名投资协议的性质应当采取信托关系说的基础上,试图将信托制度应用到隐名投资中。该章首先对信托制度从定义、起源以及特征等方面进行了简单介绍;进而分析发现信托制度与隐名投资的内在联系;最后将信托制度应用到隐名投资中,试图解决隐名投资中存在的具体问题。 最后,本文认为,在隐名投资协议有效的基础上,以信托制度解决隐名投资问题,并非简单地将信托法与公司法相加适用,二者之间仍然存在融合适用问题。通过本文的论述,仅望对隐名投资问题系统地解决提供一种新的思路。
[Abstract]:In the light of the analysis of the hidden investment agreement , this paper probes into the problem of the handling of the related interests under the condition that the hidden investment is invalid and the effective premise of the hidden investment . At the same time , under the circumstance that the hidden investment is valid , this paper attempts to solve the problems in the trust theory and analyzes the specific problems . This paper consists of three parts : preface , text and conclusion , in which the text is four chapters . The first chapter introduces the definition , origin and legal characteristics of the invisible investment . At the same time , the concept of the hidden investment is analyzed . This chapter lays the foundation for the discussion of this article . In the second chapter , the author introduces the current legal status of the anonymous investment in the Anglo - American law system and the legal status of the hidden investment in the civil law system , and then summarizes the current legal provisions of our country . At the same time , some problems exist in the current legal provisions of our country . The third chapter is the analysis of the relation of the legal relation of the secret investment . The chapter is the core part of this paper . In this chapter , we analyze the effectiveness of the hidden investment agreement . First , how to deal with the effectiveness of the hidden investment agreement . In the case , how to deal with the nature of the hidden investment agreement , how to determine the nature of the hidden investment agreement , the agency relation or the trust relation ? In the last chapter , the author makes a brief introduction to the trust system from the definition , origin and characteristics , then analyzes the relationship between the trust system and the hidden investment , and finally applies the trust system to the hidden investment to try to solve the specific problems in the hidden investment . Finally , this paper holds that , on the basis of the validity of the hidden investment agreement , it is not easy to apply the trust system to solve the hidden investment problem , but it is not easy to add the trust law to the company law , and there is still a fusion applicable problem . Through the discussion of this paper , it is only expected to provide a new idea for the systematic solution of the hidden investment problem .
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