本文选题:股权转让 切入点:任意性规范 出处:《政治与法律》2017年10期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:Article 71 of the Company Law of our country has made the basic stipulation to the limited liability company's stock right transfer rule, its to the company articles of association and the default clause does not make the elaboration to the stock right transfer limit scope, There are differences in understanding and application between theoretical and practical circles. The legal norms of equity transfer of limited liability companies have arbitrary characteristics. It can exclude or replace the innovative function of the company law. The institutional arrangement of the articles of association as the source of adjudication has been established. A distinction should be made between the different mechanisms of formulating a company's articles of association and revising its articles of association on the effect of restricting the transfer of shares. As for the agreement in the articles of association "prohibiting the transfer of shares" or "compulsory transfer of shares", The right of consent of other shareholders and the right of prior purchase of shareholders should be regarded as the standard legal texts of company law, and the principle of autonomy of private law should be adhered to. The legal norm should confirm the validity of the contract. The legal norm should confirm the "consent right of other shareholders" and the "shareholder priority" in the contract of equity transfer concluded between the shareholders and the third party outside the shareholders, and the legal norms should be interpreted as affirming the "right of consent of other shareholders" and "the priority of shareholders". The right to purchase "and the shareholder's contract to transfer shares to the outside world shall be valid," To define the boundary between arbitrariness and compulsion of company law rules and balance the interests of all parties with greater autonomy and scope of validity.
【作者单位】: 西南政法大学民商法学院;
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