本文选题:股利分配 + 请求权 ; 参考:《西南政法大学》2011年硕士论文
【摘要】:随着公司法的现代化,我国公司法赋予公司越来越大的自治空间,法律充分尊重公司的自治权,控制股东在公司运作中发挥巨大作用,通常在公司决策中起决定作用,控制权如果运用不当会对其他利益相关者造成损害,在股利分配方面可能表现为控制股东滥用权力操纵股东会部分或象征性分一点股利,这将侵害中小股东的收益权。从现行公司法的规定来看几乎没有直接保护抽象股利分配请求权的规范,有些地方高级法院甚至出台的一些文件明确说明不支持抽象的股利分配请求权,使得我国现存的中小股东抽象股利分配请求权受到侵害的问题不能得到有效的保护,因此,我国公司法有必要借鉴境外公司法较合理的规定如强制股利分配之诉弥补我国公司法的不足。本文分别介绍了美国的强制股利分配制度和英国的不公平损害救济制度在保护股东股利分配权方面的优势,并分析了我国在保护股利分配请求权方面的不足,进而提出了完善我国股利分配请求权保护机制的一些设想,期望对加强股利分配请求权的保护有所帮助,进而促进股东权利的实质平等。本文对股东股利分配请求权保护的研究结构如下: 第一部分从总体上对股利分配请求权的相关问题做出概述。主要介绍了股利及股利分配的概念,我国股利分配的现状及呈现出的主要特点,从中可见中小股东通常在股利分配上受到压榨的现状。 第二部分介绍我国《公司法》对股利分配请求权的保护措施并对其做出评议。归纳了公司法中现有的对保护股东收益权的多种方式并对各种方式做出详细的评议,得出现有保护方式不足以保证股东股利分配请求权实现的结论,那么就应该为其寻求其它的救济方式。 第三部分阐述了别国公司法对中小股东股利分配请求权的保护制度。主要介绍了美国的强制股利分配之诉和英国的不公平损害救济制度,简述了二者对中小股东股利分配请求权保护上的优越性及对我国的借鉴意义。 第四部分论述了我国引入强制股利分配之诉的必要性和可行性及运用强制股利分配之诉应注意的问题,最后得出我国应当引入强制股利分配之诉来保护中小股利的权益结论。
[Abstract]:With the modernization of company law, the company law of our country gives more and more autonomous space to the company. The law fully respects the autonomy of the company, and the controlling shareholders play a great role in the operation of the company, and usually play a decisive role in the decision-making of the company.If the right of control is used improperly, it may cause harm to other stakeholders, and in the aspect of dividend distribution, the controlling shareholder may abuse the power to manipulate the shareholders' meeting and manipulate the dividend, which will infringe on the income right of the minority shareholders.From the provisions of the current company law, there is almost no norm to directly protect the claim right of abstract dividend distribution. Some local high courts even issued some documents clearly stating that they do not support the abstract dividend distribution claim.Therefore, the problem of infringement of the claim for abstract dividend distribution of minority shareholders in our country cannot be effectively protected.It is necessary to draw lessons from the more reasonable provisions of the foreign company law, such as compulsory dividend distribution, to make up for the deficiency of our company law.This paper introduces the advantages of the compulsory dividend distribution system in the United States and the unfair damage relief system in the United Kingdom in the protection of shareholders' dividend distribution rights, and analyzes the shortcomings of our country in protecting the claim for dividend distribution.Furthermore, this paper puts forward some tentative ideas of perfecting the protection mechanism of the claim for dividend distribution in China, which is expected to be helpful to strengthen the protection of the claim for dividend distribution and to promote the substantive equality of shareholders' rights.The research structure of this paper is as follows:The first part gives a general overview of the relevant issues of dividend distribution claims.This paper mainly introduces the concepts of dividend and dividend distribution, the present situation and main features of dividend distribution in China, from which we can see that minority shareholders are usually squeezed in dividend distribution.The second part introduces the protective measures and comments on the right of dividend distribution in the Company Law of China.This paper summarizes the existing ways of protecting shareholders' right to profit in company law and makes detailed comments on them. The conclusion is that the method of protection is not sufficient to ensure the realization of shareholders' right to claim for dividend distribution.Other remedies should then be sought for it.The third part expounds the protection system of minority shareholders'dividend distribution claim in other countries' company law.This paper mainly introduces the lawsuit of compulsory dividend distribution in the United States and the unfair damage relief system in Britain, and briefly describes their advantages in the protection of the claim for dividend distribution of minority shareholders and their reference significance to our country.The fourth part discusses the necessity and feasibility of introducing compulsory dividend distribution in China and the problems that should be paid attention to in the application of compulsory dividend distribution. Finally, the conclusion is drawn that China should introduce compulsory dividend distribution to protect the rights and interests of small and medium-sized dividends.
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