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发布时间:2018-04-22 19:28

  本文选题:烟草专卖 + 法律制度改革 ; 参考:《吉林大学》2012年博士论文

【摘要】:烟草业产生以来一直受到世界各国政府的严格规制。专卖管理和垄断经营是国家实施规制的一种特殊的重要形式。近代以来,政府对市场实施规制的理论和实践直接影响和决定了烟草专卖法律制度的演进和变革。20世纪80、90年代以来,烟草专卖法律制度在世界各国发生着广泛而深刻的变革,烟草在经济领域内的规制逐步放松,在社会领域内的规制却逐步加强,烟草专卖民营化改革已经成为世界烟草产业发展的潮流趋势。中国长期实行的烟草专卖带来了地方封锁、恶性竞争、效率低下等诸多弊端,中国烟草专卖法律制度的局限性越来越明显。世界烟草专卖法律制度的变革趋势对传统的专卖法律制度带来了新的挑战,烟草产业民营化改革已经成为了一种现实的选择。可以预计,改革烟草专卖法律制度是一件必然的事情,,但政府对烟草业的规制还会继续加强。烟草专卖民营化就是要将烟草行业从行政性垄断变革为经济性垄断,烟草专卖法律制度改革就是要建构有利于加强烟草产业行政规制的法律制度环境。全文共分五章。 第一章,主要介绍了烟草行政规制的理论依据,回顾了行政规制的历史变迁和必然规律,阐述了烟草专卖的概念和立法现状。首先,解读政府加强烟草行政法律规制的理论根据是出于公民健康、减控外部性和财税保障的需要。其次,介绍行政法律规制在资本主义不同阶段呈现出不同的历史特征,重商主义时期:严格规制;自由放任时期:基本规制;福利国家时期:全面规制;新自由主义时期:有限规制。分析行政规制演变的一般规律,以揭示行政规制与经济社会发展的互动影响。再次,介绍烟草专卖的基本概念和特征,阐述中国烟草专卖的立法现状和国外烟草的规制现状。本文认为,烟草专卖仅是烟草法律规制的一种方式,烟草专卖是特定时期、特定社会阶段的需要和产物,烟草行政规制在民营化后仍会得到加强。 第二章,主要介绍世界烟草专卖法律制度的历史变迁,梳理中国烟草专卖法律制度的历史演进。首先,介绍了世界烟草和中国烟草产业的发展和演变,阐述烟草这一特殊产业的发展现状。其次,梳理世界各国烟草专卖法律制度的形成发展过程,介绍世界各国烟草专卖法律制度遭遇的民营化背景,阐述烟草专卖法律制度改革的具体过程。再次,介绍中国烟草专卖法律制度的形成发展过程,介绍当前中国烟草专卖法律制度面临的民营化背景,把握中国烟草专卖法律制度的历史特征和发展走向。 第三章,深度解读日本烟草专卖法律制的变革过程和立法参考价值。日本1904年《烟草专卖法》,为适应筹措军费的需要,确立了生产专营制度、进口专营制度、烟叶许可和全部收购制度、烟草制品专营制度。1948年《日本专卖公社法》、1949年《烟草专卖法》,为适应战后经济民主化需要,确立了公社政企合一制度、国家控制干预制度、公社董事会管理制度、烟叶许可与全额收购制度、烟草生产专营制度、烟草进出口专营管控制度、指定零售商制度、统一零售定价制度、进货渠道管控制度。1984年的《烟草事业法》和《日本烟草产业股份公司法》,为适应开放市场、实施民营化需要,确立了政企分开的经营管理制度、政府的股权控制制度、政府的行政干预制度、烟叶收购合同制和全额收购制、烟叶审议会制度和烟叶耕种工会制度、烟草制品独家生产制度、进口业务许可制度、批发销售许可制度、零售许可制度、零售价格统一制度、最高批发价格审批制度、资格继承制度。这些渐进式立法改革对我国烟草法律制度的改革重构提供了现实范式和直接参考。 第四章,深度分析中国烟草专卖各项法律制度的局限性。行政计划法律制度造成烟草资源配置不合理和总体结构不平衡,束缚了烟草企业扩大市场规模的发展空间;财政税收法律制度,将税种与地方利益绑定的做法,客观上固化了地方利益割据和地方保护主义;政企合一法律制度造成维护市场公平与追求经济效益的价值目标混同,烟草行政管理趋向于企业效益最大化,烟草企业经营趋向于行政化,市场调配资源的机能发生扭曲;行政垄断法律制度中不当措施的使用实际上是行政自由裁量权的扩大化引起的,已经背离了国家垄断的宗旨,正在悄然的侵蚀着烟草专卖的基石;价格管理法律制度引发了品牌杂乱、价格波动,零售市场秩序混乱,烟叶种植者和零售户利益难以保障。加入WTO、WHO,使得烟草专卖法律制度面临更大的压力和挑战。 第五章,论述我国烟草专卖法律制度的改革思路和具体设计。首先,分析我国烟草专卖法律制度的改革必然性和目标定位。本文认为,要在一个相当长的过渡时期内坚持、调整和完善烟草专卖法律制度,随后,要有规划、有条件、分阶段地对烟草专卖法律制度进行改革。一旦改革专卖制度,将最大程度地保留专卖制度的合理成分,保持政策制度层面的稳定性、连续性和完整性。其次,论述我国烟草专卖民营化的路径和模式。比较域外烟草民营化改革模式的优劣差异,选择最适合我国历史社会经济法制环境的改革模式,即稳步渐进式:以渐进、连续、稳妥为主要特点的日本、法国模式。再次,阐述改革相关配套法律制度改革,包括垄断制度、计划制度、财税制度、价格制度的改革思路和具体设计。第四,推进烟草专卖企业的民营化改造,推进以国家控股为主导的股份公司化改革。将烟草行业从计划色彩浓厚的行政性垄断改为符合市场竞争规则的经济性垄断。第五,阐述烟草行政管理法律制度改革,调整烟草规制的法律授权,利于现实管理的需要。最后,设计烟草专卖法律改革的立法框架,调整民营化后经济性规制方式,加强民营化后社会性规制内容,建立完善的烟草行政规制法律制度体系。
[Abstract]:Since the 1980s and 1990s , the regulation of tobacco monopoly law system has become the trend of the development of tobacco industry .

The first chapter introduces the theoretical basis of tobacco administrative regulation , reviews the historical changes and inevitable rules of administrative regulation , expounds the concept of tobacco monopoly and the current situation of legislation . Firstly , it explains the need of government to strengthen the regulation of tobacco administrative law . Secondly , it introduces the different historical characteristics of administrative legal regulation in different stages of capitalism .
Free period : basic regulation ;
Welfare state period : comprehensive regulation ;
The new liberalism period : the limited regulation . The general rule of the evolution of administrative regulation is analyzed to reveal the interactive influence of administrative regulation and economic and social development .

The second chapter introduces the historical evolution of the legal system of tobacco monopoly in the world . First , it introduces the development and evolution of tobacco monopoly law system in the world , and expounds the development of tobacco monopoly law system . Secondly , it introduces the development process of tobacco monopoly law system in the world , and introduces the development process of tobacco monopoly law system in the world , and introduces the historical characteristics and development trend of tobacco monopoly law system in China .

In the third chapter , the reform process and the legislative reference value of Japanese tobacco monopoly law system are explained in depth . In 1904 , in order to meet the needs of financing military expenditure , the article establishes the system of management and management system , the system of the government and enterprise , the system of tobacco monopoly control , the system of licensing and full acquisition of tobacco products , the uniform system of tobacco production , the approval system of wholesale price and the system of qualification inheritance . These gradual legislative reforms provide a realistic paradigm and direct reference for the reform and reconstruction of tobacco legal system in China .

In chapter 4 , the limitation of the legal system of tobacco monopoly in China is analyzed in depth . The legal system of administrative planning leads to unreasonable allocation of tobacco resources and unbalanced overall structure , which limits the development space of tobacco enterprises to enlarge the market scale ;
The fiscal and taxation legal system , which binds the taxes and local interests , objectively solidifies local interests and local protectionism ;
The legal system of government and enterprise creates the value goal of maintaining market equity and pursuing economic benefits , tobacco administrative management tends to maximize enterprise benefit , tobacco enterprise management tends to be administrative , and the function of market allocation resource is distorted ;
The use of improper measures in administrative monopoly law system is actually caused by the enlargement of administrative discretion , which has deviated from the purpose of national monopoly , which is eroding the cornerstone of tobacco monopoly quietly ;
The price management legal system has led to the confusion of brand , price fluctuation , confusion of retail market order , the difficulty in safeguarding the interests of tobacco growers and retail investors . After joining WTO , WHO has made tobacco monopoly law system more pressure and challenge .

Chapter five discusses the reform thought and the concrete design of the legal system of tobacco monopoly in our country . First , it analyzes the necessity and target position of the legal system of tobacco monopoly .



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1 李顺;烟草销售管理系统的设计与实现[D];厦门大学;2013年




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