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发布时间:2018-04-26 01:30

  本文选题:有限责任公司 + 公司僵局 ; 参考:《中央民族大学》2010年硕士论文

【摘要】: 公司堪称是世界上伟大的发明,它在社会经济生活中起着举足轻重的作用。但是,在公司的运行过程中存在着各种各样的问题,公司僵局就是困扰公司的普遍难题之一,在封闭型的有限责任公司中尤其如此。公司僵局是指在公司运行过程中,由于股东或董事之间人合性的丧失而发生激烈的矛盾或冲突,僵持不下,导致公司运行机制失灵,公司处于瘫痪、停滞状态的法律事实。它是封闭型公司治理机制的固有矛盾与公司法上的制度安排相结合的产物,是有限责任公司高度人合性特征所决定的不可避免的客观事实。因此,笔者将有限责任公司的公司僵局单列出来作为本文论述和研究的重点,并把有限责任公司僵局的救济机制的构建作为本文拟解决的关键问题。 本文从有限责任公司僵局的基本法律问题谈起,旨在通过对公司僵局概念、类型、成因、法律本质的分析和对公司僵局破解理论的阐述,搭建解决有限责任公司僵局救济机制的理论框架。同时,笔者在立足本国实际情况的基础上,指出我国关于该问题的不足之处,通过借鉴两大法系的立法和司法实践经验,提出完善我国有限责任公司僵局救济机制的思考和建议。具体而言,本文可分为如下几个部分: 导论部分主要指明选题的背景、研究意义、文献综述、研究方法,并界定本文的研究对象和论述范围。 第一章阐述有限责任公司僵局的基本法律问题。在界定有限责任公司僵局概念的基础上,阐述有限责任公司僵局的类型界分、有限责任公司僵局的成因。指出公司僵局的法律本质是股东投资公司、实现盈利的目的落空。 第二章主要论述有限责任公司僵局救济的基本理论和两大法系典型国家对该问题的处理方式,并通过对两大法系不同处理方式的比较分析,指出我们在借鉴国外立法经验的同时应注意的问题,为下文论述做准备。 第三章、第四章是本文的重点,也是笔者思考最多的章节。这两章在上文论述的基础上,重点阐述有限责任公司僵局事前预防机制的构建和有限责任公司僵局事后破解机制的构建。通过借鉴国内外学者对该问题已有的研究成果和两大法系的先进立法经验,从理论上提出我国解决有限责任公司僵局问题的具体预防和救济措施。 第五章结合我国的立法实践,指出我国公司法立法和司法解释的不足之处,并提出笔者对改进该问题的建议和设想。 结语部分总结全文,主张在解决有限责任公司僵局的问题上既要注重事前预防又要注重事后破解,既要吸取国外先进的立法和司法经验又要结合我国实际,既要注重学界的探讨研究又要注重实务的经验积累。只有多方面努力,通过多种途径探讨解决之道才能推动有限责任公司僵局问题的解决。
[Abstract]:The company is a great invention in the world, it plays a pivotal role in social and economic life. However, there are various problems in the operation of the company, and the deadlock is one of the common problems, especially in the closed limited liability company. Corporate deadlock refers to the fact that in the course of the operation of the company, because of the loss of the relationship between the shareholders and directors, there is a fierce contradiction or conflict, which leads to the failure of the operating mechanism of the company, the paralysis and stagnation of the company. It is the result of the combination of the inherent contradiction of the closed corporate governance mechanism with the institutional arrangement in the company law and the inevitable objective fact determined by the highly personal characteristics of the limited liability company. Therefore, the author lists the corporate deadlock of the limited liability company as the key point of this paper, and takes the construction of the relief mechanism of the limited liability company deadlock as the key problem to be solved in this paper. This paper starts with the basic legal problems of corporate deadlock in limited liability companies. It aims to analyze the concept, types, causes, legal essence of corporate deadlock and explain the theory of breaking corporate deadlock. Build the theoretical framework to solve the deadlock relief mechanism of limited liability companies. At the same time, on the basis of the actual situation of our country, the author points out the deficiency of this problem in our country, and draws lessons from the legislative and judicial practice experience of the two legal systems. This paper puts forward some thoughts and suggestions on how to perfect the remedy mechanism of the deadlock of limited liability companies in our country. Specifically, this article can be divided into the following parts: The introduction mainly points out the background, significance, literature review, research methods, and defines the object and scope of this paper. The first chapter describes the basic legal issues of the deadlock in limited liability companies. On the basis of defining the concept of limited liability company deadlock, this paper expounds the classification of the limited liability company deadlock and the causes of the limited liability company deadlock. It is pointed out that the legal essence of corporate deadlock is that the shareholders invest in the company, and the purpose of realizing profit fails. The second chapter mainly discusses the basic theory of limited liability company deadlock relief and the typical countries of the two legal systems to deal with this problem, and through the two legal systems of different ways of dealing with a comparative analysis. This paper points out the problems we should pay attention to while learning from foreign legislative experience, and prepares for the following discussion. The third chapter, the fourth chapter is the focal point of this article, also is the chapter which the author thinks most. On the basis of the discussion above, the two chapters focus on the construction of the pre-prevention mechanism of the deadlock of limited liability companies and the construction of the mechanism of breaking the deadlock of limited liability companies after the fact. Based on the research results of scholars at home and abroad and the advanced legislative experience of the two legal systems, the concrete prevention and relief measures for solving the deadlock of limited liability companies in China are put forward theoretically. The fifth chapter points out the deficiency of our country's company law legislation and judicial interpretation combined with our country's legislative practice, and puts forward the author's suggestions and ideas to improve this problem. The conclusion part summarizes the full text, advocates that in solving the deadlock of limited liability companies, we should not only pay attention to prevention in advance, but also to crack after the fact, not only absorb advanced foreign legislative and judicial experience, but also combine with the reality of our country. We should not only pay attention to the academic research, but also pay attention to the accumulation of practical experience. Only by making efforts in many ways can we solve the deadlock problem of limited liability company.


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