[Abstract]:The civil liability of improper related party transaction is a kind of tort civil liability. In addition to the common compensation and compensation, the form of liability includes the second order of creditor's rights, the right of set-off of creditor's rights and other unbeneficial consequences. It is far from enough to rely on the current civil and commercial legislation for the prosecution of civil liability for improper related party transactions. Instead, we should perfect the relevant systems of the Company Law and bankruptcy Law in our country, and perfect the relevant provisions of the current Company Law on the civil liability of related party transactions. It is suggested that the "Deep Stone principle" be added to control the improper creditor's rights exercised by a company against a subordinate company, and that in the event of major asset changes such as bankruptcy, liquidation, reorganization or settlement of a subordinate company, whether or not it has a right of exception or priority, All of them shall be satisfied after the other creditors of the subordinate company and shall not exercise the right of set-off. It is suggested that a special chapter on affiliated enterprises should be set up in the Company Law to set up centralized regulations on related party transactions and related enterprises, that the identification of civil liability for improper related party transactions should be based on objective criteria, and that the mode of imputation of liability should be carried out on the basis of presumption of fault. All related parties who objectively use their controlling shareholders and executives of the company to carry out unfair related party transactions that are contrary to fair trading, regardless of whether they are subjectively informed or at fault, should bear civil liability for compensation. The loss of the company and its creditors should be compensated, and the investment loss of the minority shareholders of the listed company should be liable for compensation. But if the related party can prove that their transaction with the company followed a proper corporate decision-making process, and is trading according to the fair value of the market at the time of the transaction.
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