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发布时间:2019-01-25 09:33
[Abstract]:This paper summarizes the connotation and rationality of the principal responsibility system under the leadership of the Party committee in the internal management of colleges and universities in our country, and points out that the main problem existing in the implementation of this system is the responsibility of the relevant laws and regulations to the party committee and the president, and the relationship between the two. The implementation procedures and rules are not perfect, and some Party committees and principals lack management experience. Referring to the relevant regulations of the general manager responsibility system under the leadership of the board of directors in the company law of our country, this paper puts forward the following ideas for improving the management effectiveness of the principal responsibility system under the leadership of the party committee. First, define clearly and concretely the scope of the responsibility of the Party committee and the principal; secondly, clarify the relationship between the party committee and the principal; third, strictly standardize the operation process and rules of the principal responsibility system under the leadership of the party committee; Finally, improve the selection of party secretaries and principals, and establish a supervision and withdrawal mechanism.
【作者单位】: 英国利物浦大学;西交利物浦大学;西安交通大学管理学院;


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