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发布时间:2019-03-14 12:56
【摘要】: 有限责任公司股东资格的认定是股东行使股东权的前提。然而,由于我国长期以来公司法律制度不够完善,公司法理论对此课题的研究又不够深入,理论界对如何认定有限责任公司股东资格存在颇多争议。司法实践中,由于公司设立与股权转让过程中投资人的操作极不规范,导致各地法院处理这类纠纷缺乏统一标准,给公司法审判实务带来难题,甚至形成相似案件作出相互矛盾判决的混乱局面。因此,需要从理论上抽象与构建认定股东资格的一般标准,作为处理该类案件的指导准则。 本文立足于理论与实践的相结合,在明确有限责任公司、股东与股东资格的概念’的基础上,探析有限责任公司股东资格认定的原则及标准,具体探讨股东资格认定标准以及几种特殊情形下的股东资格认定,并借鉴日、韩立法经验与理论,提出完善有限责任公司股东资格认定标准的若干建议。 全文的主题思想是:要正确认定有限责任公司股东资格,必须要树立正确的理念和指导原则。在众多的利益冲突中,根据一定的原则保持各方主体利益平衡,既要充分维护公司的团体利益,又要确保投资者的利益,既要保护股东的利益,又要保护善意第三人的利益,体现商法的公示主义和外观主义,制裁规避法律的行为。以此为指导思想,围绕股东资格确认标准这一命题展开论述,得出综合考虑有限责任公司股东资格认定的实质标准和形式标准,针对具体情形作出判断的确认标准,以期对我国公司法律体系的完善能有所帮助,同时也希望为实务界提供有益的理论基础。
[Abstract]:The qualification of shareholders in a limited liability company is a prerequisite for shareholders to exercise their shareholders' rights. However, because the company law system is not perfect for a long time in our country, the research on this subject is not deep enough in the company law theory, and there is a lot of controversy about how to identify the qualification of the shareholders of the limited liability company in the theory field. In judicial practice, due to the extremely irregular operation of investors in the process of company establishment and share transfer, the courts around the world lack a unified standard for dealing with such disputes, which brings difficulties to the trial practice of the Company Law. There is even confusion in similar cases in which conflicting decisions are made. Therefore, it is necessary to abstract and construct the general criteria for determining the qualification of shareholders in theory, as a guideline for dealing with this kind of cases. Based on the combination of theory and practice, on the basis of clarifying the concept of qualification of limited liability company, shareholders and shareholders, this paper probes into the principles and standards of qualification identification of shareholders of limited liability company. This paper discusses the criteria of shareholder qualification and the qualification of shareholders under several special circumstances, and puts forward some suggestions for perfecting the qualification criteria of shareholders in limited liability companies by referring to the legislative experience and theory of Japan and Korea. The main idea of this paper is: to correctly identify the qualification of shareholders of a limited liability company, it is necessary to establish correct ideas and guiding principles. In many conflicts of interest, it is necessary to maintain the balance of the interests of all parties according to certain principles, not only to fully safeguard the interests of the company, but also to ensure the interests of investors, to protect both the interests of shareholders and the interests of bona fide third parties. Embodying publicity and externalism of commercial law, sanctioning acts of circumvention of the law. Taking this as the guiding ideology, this paper discusses the proposition of the shareholder qualification confirmation standard, obtains the substantive and formal criteria for considering the shareholder qualification identification of the limited liability company, and makes the confirmation standard for the judgment according to the specific situation. In order to improve the legal system of our company can help, but also hope to provide a useful theoretical basis for the practical community.


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