[Abstract]:The rule of business judgment is an important rule in the field of American company law. Its main purpose is to protect bona fide directors from liability when business judgment is wrong. In this process, the commercial judgment rules have multiple attributes, which are not only the "safe haven" of the directors, but also act as the specific judgment standard in the lack of regulation of the directors' duty of attention. He is also the specific operating rules of the court dealing with similar cases. In this paper, the commercial judgment rules are analyzed, and such triple attributes are involved at the same time. In the introduction part, it is proposed that due to the lack of specific standards of duty of care in our country, the introduction of commercial judgment rules has become the unanimous voice of the academic and practical circles because of its filling of the duty of care. In this context, we naturally focus our attention on the commercial judgment rules in China's specific judicial practice, and then because of the current difficult phenomenon of investigating the operational responsibility of state-owned enterprises. This paper puts forward the research on the application of commercial judgment rules in state-owned enterprises. In the first part of this paper, it mainly introduces the general theory of commercial judgment rules. First of all, in the American theory of commercial judgment rules, it summarizes the four elements of commercial judgment rules: good faith, no interest, reasonable knowledge, It is in the best interests of the company. Then, it expounds the theoretical basis of commercial judgment rules and obtains three characteristics of commercial judgment rules. Finally, the practice of business judgment rules in Australia and Japan is introduced. In the second part of this paper, the application of business judgment rules in China is studied and analyzed. First of all, we analyze the feasibility of commercial judgment rules in our country, and think that the current institutional environment of our country has the condition of introducing commercial judgment rules. Secondly, we are based on the application of business judgment rules in our country to observe and comment on the case. Finally, the construction mode and concrete content of business judgment rules in our country are put forward. In the third part of this paper, the perspective is moved to the application of commercial judgment rules in state-owned enterprises, and the commercial judgment rules are helpful to solve the dilemma of investigating the business responsibility of directors of state-owned enterprises. Then, we elaborate on the particularity of state-owned enterprises, and point out that when the commercial judgment rules are applied in state-owned enterprises, they should be different from those of ordinary companies. The fourth part of this paper focuses on the practical significance of business judgment rules in China. It plays an important role in improving corporate governance structure, practicing corporate social responsibility, constructing case law methods, advocating restrained judicial activism and encouraging entrepreneurship.
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