本文关键词: 国际性仲裁协议 有效性 准据法的确定 方法 趋势 出处:《比较法研究》2016年02期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:The applicable law of an international arbitration agreement determines the validity of the arbitration agreement. Therefore, it is of great significance in the practice of international commercial arbitration. There are two main methods to determine the applicable law of international arbitration agreement: one is to apply the express or implied choice of both parties. The legal system applicable to the arbitration agreement itself and the law system of the country of the place of arbitration where there is no choice of law. In addition, the applicable law of the main contract. The legal system of the State in which the arbitration agreement is applied for enforcement. The applicable law of the State with the closest connection with the arbitration agreement or the arbitration procedure itself may also become the applicable law of the arbitration agreement in order to be valid from the form of the arbitration agreement. The ability of the parties to conclude the arbitration agreement and the arbitrability of the dispute are different to judge whether the arbitration agreement is valid or not. The "split of applicable laws" relating to the validity of an arbitration agreement is often used as an auxiliary means of determining the applicable law of an arbitration agreement... in recent decades. There is a tendency to make the arbitration agreement as effective as possible on the determination of applicable law of international arbitration agreement. It is embodied in the auxiliary application of the principle of "favorable validity" and the auxiliary application of the principles or rules of international law which can make the arbitration agreement effective, so as to maximize the enforceability of international arbitration agreements.
【作者单位】: 清华大学法学院;清华大学国际私法与比较法研究中心;
【正文快照】: 一、确定国际性仲裁协议准据法的意义(一)仲裁协议及其独立性在国际商事仲裁法上,仲裁协议〔1〕是双方当事人据以将他们之间即将发生或业已发生的关于某一确定法律关系的契约性或非契约性争议交付仲裁,并由常设仲裁机构或特设仲裁庭就争议作出裁决的意思表示的一致。〔2〕仲裁
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