本文选题:反人道罪 切入点:红色高棉 出处:《复旦大学》2011年硕士论文
【摘要】:反人道罪行作为一种极其严重的国际犯罪而备受国际社会的关注。自第二次世界大战胜利后建立的纽伦堡国际军事法庭与东京法庭,到专门针对发生在前南斯拉夫地区和卢旺达的人道主义危机而建立的前南法庭和卢旺达法庭,国际社会在打击、遏制、预防发人道罪的发生中投入了大量的精力和财力,却收效不佳,其各自的运行中也存在着这样那样的问题。发生在柬埔寨境内,由红色高棉实施的震惊世界的反人道暴行,使得国际社会不得不介入到对红色高棉反人道行为的审判中。在这场审判中,出现了一种新的国际法庭组织形式,即在联合国指导下,建立在柬埔寨国内法院基础上的柬埔寨法院特别法庭。柬埔寨法院特别法庭这一崭新的模式,能否成为国际社会应对反人道罪行的一种恰当的选择是值得研究的理论与实践问题。 本文一共包括七个部分,分别就红色高棉的反人道问题历史,反人道罪概念及构成要件的演变,柬埔寨法庭诉讼程序的特点,柬埔寨法庭的法庭组织,国际刑事法庭制度的利弊得失,柬埔寨法庭的优势与缺陷,制裁国际反人道罪行展望六个方面进行探讨。 第一部分:红色高棉的历史。概述近代以来国际社会对反人道罪态度所发生的变化,以及红色高棉在柬埔寨所犯下的骇人听闻的反人道行为。 第二部分:反人道罪概念及构成要件的演变。分析反人道罪概念及构成要件在理论及实践中所发生的变化。 第三部分:柬埔寨法庭诉讼程序的特点。分析比较柬埔寨法庭在诉讼程序层面与其他国际法庭制度的区别。 第四部分:柬埔寨法庭的法庭组织特点。分析比较柬埔寨法庭在法庭组织层面与其他国际法庭制度的区别。 第五部分:国际刑事法庭制度的利弊得失。探讨两次国际军事法庭审判及前南法庭与卢旺达法庭的优势与缺陷,分析其各自的制度特点。 第六部分:柬埔寨法庭的优势与缺陷。从柬埔寨法庭在实践中所遇到的问题出发,分析、研究出现这一系列问题的原因。 第七部分:制裁国际反人道罪行展望。就常设刑事法院的特点和制度优势的角度出发,探讨这一模式在制裁反人道罪实践中存在的优势和可能面临的问题。
[Abstract]:Crimes against humanity, as an extremely serious international crime, have attracted the attention of the international community. The Nuremberg International military Tribunal and the Tokyo Tribunal, established since the victory of the second World War, To the ICTY and the Rwanda Tribunal, established specifically for humanitarian crises in the region of the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda, the international community has invested a great deal of energy and financial resources in combating, containing, and preventing the occurrence of humanitarian crimes. But it has not worked well, and there are also problems of one kind or another in their respective operations. The anti-humanitarian atrocities committed in Cambodia, perpetrated by the Khmer Rouge, are shocking to the world. That has forced the international community to intervene in the Khmer Rouge trial against humanity. In this trial, a new form of international court organization has emerged, namely, under the guidance of the United Nations. The extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia, which are based on the domestic courts of Cambodia. This new model of extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia, Whether it can be an appropriate choice for the international community to deal with crimes against humanity is a theoretical and practical issue worth studying. This article consists of seven parts, including the history of the Khmer Rouge's anti-humanitarian issues, the evolution of the concept and elements of crimes against humanity, the characteristics of the proceedings in the Cambodian courts, and the organization of the courts in Cambodia. The advantages and disadvantages of the international criminal court system, the advantages and disadvantages of the Cambodian court, and the prospect of sanctioning international crimes against humanity are discussed. Part I: the history of the Khmer Rouge. An overview of the changes in the attitude of the international community to crimes against humanity since modern times and the appalling acts of humanity committed by the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia. The second part: the evolution of the concept and constitutive elements of crimes against humanity, and the analysis of the changes in theory and practice of the concepts and constitutive elements of crimes against humanity. The third part: the characteristics of the proceedings in the Cambodian courts, and analyzes and compares the differences between the Cambodian courts and other international court systems in the procedural level. The fourth part: the characteristics of the court organization of the Cambodian court, and analyzes and compares the differences between the Cambodian court and other international court systems at the level of the organization of the court. The fifth part: the advantages and disadvantages of the International Criminal Tribunal system, discusses the advantages and disadvantages of the two International military Tribunal trials and the ICTY and the Rwanda Tribunal, and analyzes the characteristics of their respective systems. The sixth part: the advantages and disadvantages of the Cambodian court. From the point of view of the problems encountered by the Cambodian court in practice, the author analyzes the causes of the problems. Part VII: the prospect of sanctioning international crimes against humanity. From the point of view of the characteristics and institutional advantages of the permanent Criminal Court, this paper discusses the advantages and possible problems of this model in the practice of sanctioning crimes against humanity.
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