发布时间:2018-04-11 22:22
本文选题:用尽当地救济 + 国际投资 ; 参考:《华东政法大学》2014年硕士论文
【摘要】:随着经济全球化的进展,当今经济活动多样复杂性的特征明显,而国际投资在其中的地位显现出逐渐提高的趋势,与之相伴,国际投资领域发生的争端也日益增多并趋于复杂化。在这种背景下,只有保证国际投资争议的解决方式妥当,才能进一步推动和促进国家与地区间的经济交流和世界经济的总体发展。而用尽当地救济原则作为一项传统的习惯国际法原则,在解决国际投资争议方面既得到了适用,同时也受到了挑战。具体而言,这一原则一方面得到传统的国际法学家的赞同的同时也被各国国内实践和国际判例所引用和采纳,另一方面在近些年也受到了投资自由化、弱化东道国外资管辖权等“理论”的挑战和相关双边和多边投资协定对相关投资争议解决方式约定中对其的削弱。纵观我国有关国内法律和对外签订的双边投资协定和加入的多边投资协定,这些文件虽然主张有关争端采用当地救济解决,但同时也允许采用外国仲裁或国际仲裁解决,并趋向于不再坚持将用尽当地救济作为处理中国与外国投资者争议的根本原则,允许投资争议事项不经东道国救济而直接提起国际仲裁。 针对这种变化和我国当前对投资争议解决的态度,我们应如何对待?“卡尔沃主义”在某种程度上的复苏是否意味着用尽当地救济原则遭遇挑战后又有重新被重视的趋势?这是否会对国际投资争议的解决有所影响?这些是都是在当前国际投资大环境下需要思考的问题。 本文通过历史研究法、比较研究法、文献研究法、以案例为基础的实证分析法的运用,总结和探讨用尽当地救济原则的内涵及理论依据、适用及适用例外,并比较多边及双边投资协定关于东道国当地救济方法的实践,,分析国际上对用尽当地救济原则的具体适用情况、各自态度及变化趋势。在梳理我国现行对外投资实践后,对用尽当地救济原则在我国对外投资中如何适用提出见解。 全文由三部分组成: 第一章通过对国际投资争端和用尽当地救济原则的理论知识进行总结和探讨,阐述了国际投资的类型和定义、用尽当地救济原则的内涵及理论基础,为后续章节的讨论做好理论铺垫。 第二章作为本文的核心章节,对用尽当地救济原则在国际投资领域的适用问题进行了全面的分析。首先分析了用尽当地救济原则在国际法领域尤其是国际投资领域的适用范围、适用例外和适用要求,其次重点分析当代国际投资法制体系下的用尽当地救济原则的适用实践,包括ICSID、MIGA、NAFTA、TPP等多边投资机制、美式BIT和BIT中“岔路口条款”、世界上主要国家的国内立法对用尽当地救济原则的适用态度,以及对用尽期限的讨论。 最后一章从我国立法和司法实践入手,先从相关立法规定,尤其是我国对外签署的BIT中投资争议解决条款分析我国在不同时期对用尽当地救济原则的不同态度,然后提出了对完善我国适用当地救济原则的个人见解。
[Abstract]:With the development of economic globalization , today ' s economic activity is characterized by various complexity , while international investment has become more and more complicated in the field of international investment . In particular , the principle of exhaustion of local remedies has also been cited and adopted by domestic practice and international jurisprudence . On the other hand , the principle of exhaustion of local remedies has been solved by domestic practice and international jurisprudence . In the meantime , it also allows foreign arbitration or international arbitration to settle disputes , and tends to stop using local remedies as the fundamental principle of dealing with disputes between China and foreign investors , and allows investment disputes to be directly international arbitration without the relief of the host country .
How should we deal with this change and our country ' s current attitude towards investment disputes ? Does the recovery mean that there is a tendency for renewed attention after the challenge of exhaustion of local remedies ? Will this affect the settlement of international investment disputes ? These are issues that need to be thought in the current international investment environment .
Based on historical research , comparative research , literature research , case - based empirical analysis , this paper summarizes and discusses the connotation and theoretical basis of exhaustion of local remedies , applies and applies exceptions , and compares the application of multilateral and bilateral investment agreements on local remedies in host countries .
The full text consists of three parts :
Chapter one summarizes and discusses the theoretical knowledge of international investment disputes and the exhaustion of local remedies , expounds the types and definitions of international investment , the connotation and theoretical basis of the exhaustion of local remedies , and lays the theoretical foundation for the discussion of the following chapters .
Chapter 2 , as the core of this paper , comprehensively analyzes the application of the principle of exhaustion of local remedies in the field of international investment . First , it analyzes the application of the principle of exhaustion of local remedies in the field of international law , especially in the field of international investment , and analyzes the applicable practice of the exhaustion of local remedies in the field of international law .
The last chapter starts with the legislative and judicial practice of our country , firstly , from the relevant legislative provisions , especially the dispute settlement clauses in the BIT signed by our country , analyzes the different attitudes towards the exhaustion of local remedies in different periods , and then puts forward some personal opinions on improving the application of local remedies in our country .
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