发布时间:2018-05-21 17:24
本文选题:传统知识 + 遗传资源 ; 参考:《中国政法大学》2011年硕士论文
【摘要】:近年来,伴随着经济快速发展,各种高科技产品不断出现,越来越多的大型跨国公司、个人申请专利,以期保护自身经济利益。被申请的专利对象包括传统的药品、疾病治疗方法、传统歌曲和舞蹈的片段,甚至瑜伽教学中的动作也被作为对象用来申请专利。 上述知识产权现象为我们揭示了一个事实:发达国家拥有高科技和雄厚资金实力的同时缺乏足够丰富的传统知识和遗传资源,而发展中国家占有丰富的自然资源、遗传资源的同时缺乏资金支持和技术支持。这种现象导致发展中国家的许多传统知识、遗传资源被发达国家冠以“人类共同拥有的财产”名义被用来作为生产现代高科技医药产品及其他产品的原料。 发达国家在使用这种材料基础上,为最大限度保护自身经济利益,采用各种手段,其中尤为突出的是使用专利制度保护自己研发的高科技医药产品及其他产品,享有独占使用权利,利用现代知识产权制度这种“知识文明大棒”变相掠夺发展中国家丰富资源。这种“生物海盗”行为已逐渐引起发展中国家的注意,并在国际社会上已有不同程度的反响。 与现代知识相对,传统知识指的是为土著居民和地方社区世代相传,属于本土居民自己的一种技能、生产方法,是传统部族千百年来博大精深的历史和文化体系的组成部分。1例如,世代相传使用本土植物治疗疾病。现代化生活逐渐被各种现代高科技产品充斥,传统知识在快速流失,其中一方面是因为传统知识本身局限性,传统知识仅被土著居民少数人掌握,但很大程度上更因为外界对传统知识的冲击和生物海盗行为。针对传统知识快速流失这一现象,人们也意识到该问题的严重性和迫切性,国际上要求保护传统知识的呼声越来越高。 截至目前,呼吁利用知识产权制度保护传统知识的呼声已被提上国际议程达十多年。2例如,自从1998年世界知识产权组织(WIPO)已为讨论如何保护传统知识这一议题专门成立了论坛。自2001年,知识产权和传统知识、遗传资源及民间文艺政府间委员会(简称IGC)已为起草法规保护传统知识、反对滥用传统知识举行数次会议。 自1999年,世界贸易组织就开始针对传统知识被用作商业用途这一现象寻求最有效的解决方法。尽管出现了众多国际组织方面的努力,但收效甚微,传统知识在尚未获得地方社区和土著居民同意的情形下被开发的现象仍存在。如印度“姜黄案”3、中国吉林省“人参蜂王浆案”。4与此同时,一些发展中国家如巴西、印度、秘鲁、哥斯达黎加等国也意识到传统知识自身重要性及其应受保护的迫切性,也纷纷开始行动起来,组织国内立法。如哥斯达黎加通过了《哥斯达黎加共和国1998年生物多样性法》、巴西于2001年通过了《巴西保护生物多样性和遗传资源暂行条例》、印度通过了《印度2002年生物多样性法》。5这些国内立法为以后我国立法提供了经验借鉴。 本文以传统知识应受到知识产权制度保护为视角展开讨论与写作。前言部分从介绍传统知识保护的必要性入手,简单介绍印度和巴基斯坦两国的国内保护状况,说明我国传统知识保护的迫切性和重要性,第一章着重介绍传统知识的特征、保护传统知识的可行性;第二章阐述国际层面上尤其几个重要的国际组织在保护传统知识方面所做的努力,并对其建立的重要制度进行评析;第三章从国家层面展开讨论,针对美国、印度和巴基斯坦为保护传统知识所进行的立法活动进行探讨分析;第四章落脚点回归到中国,分析目前我国对传统知识的保护现状,结合第二章与第三章的分析,针对我国保护传统知识的不足提出可行性建议。
[Abstract]:In recent years , with the rapid development of economy , various high - tech products have continuously appeared , more and more large - scale transnational corporations and individuals apply for patents , with a view to protecting their own economic interests . The patent objects to be applied include traditional medicines , disease treatment methods , fragments of traditional songs and dance , even actions in yoga teaching are used as objects for patent applications .
The above - mentioned intellectual property phenomenon reveals a fact that developed countries lack enough traditional knowledge and genetic resources at the same time , while developing countries possess abundant natural resources and genetic resources , and lack financial support and technical support . This phenomenon leads to many traditional knowledge in developing countries , and genetic resources are used as raw materials for the production of modern high - tech pharmaceutical products and other products in the name of " human co - owned property " .
On the basis of the use of this material , developed countries have adopted various means to protect their own economic interests to the greatest extent , especially the use of the patent system to protect themselves and develop high - tech pharmaceutical products and other products , enjoy exclusive rights of use , and exploit the rich resources of developing countries by using the modern intellectual property system .
Compared with modern knowledge , traditional knowledge refers to a kind of skill and production method for indigenous people and local communities . It is an integral part of the history and culture system of traditional tribal peoples .
Up to now , calls for the use of intellectual property regimes to protect traditional knowledge have been referred to the international agenda for more than a decade . For example , since 1998 the World Intellectual Property Organization ( WIPO ) has set up a forum for discussion on how to protect traditional knowledge . Since 2001 , the Intergovernmental Committee on Intellectual Property and Traditional Knowledge , Genetic Resources and Folk Arts has held several meetings to draft legislation to protect traditional knowledge and to oppose the abuse of traditional knowledge .
At the same time , some developing countries , such as Brazil , India , Peru , Costa Rica and the like , are aware of the importance of traditional knowledge and the urgency of their protection . In the meantime , some developing countries , such as Brazil , India , Peru and Costa Rica , have also begun to act to organize domestic legislation .
This paper begins with the introduction of the necessity of the traditional knowledge protection , introduces the domestic protection situation of the two countries of India and Pakistan , discusses the necessity and importance of the traditional knowledge protection in China , analyzes the important system of the traditional knowledge protection in China , analyzes the current situation of the protection of traditional knowledge in the international level , analyses the present situation of the protection of traditional knowledge in China , analyses the current situation of the protection of traditional knowledge , and puts forward some feasible suggestions to protect the shortage of traditional knowledge in our country .
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1 刘祺;;论国际法视野下中医药知识产权的保护[J];中国卫生法制;2011年04期
2 ;省政府办公厅关于印发实施江苏省知识产权战略纲要2011年行动计划的通知[J];江苏省人民政府公报;2011年15期
3 阳贤文;;建立深圳知识产权交易平台之探析[J];特区实践与理论;2011年03期
4 臧兴东;曾t,