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发布时间:2018-05-22 19:40

  本文选题:项目投融资 + 原住民 ; 参考:《渤海大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:For the purpose of pursuing economic benefits, project investment and financing play a great role in the development and utilization of resources. But at the same time, it is difficult to avoid a series of complex problems, such as land expropriation, resettlement and compensation, environmental and social responsibility risk. Among them, after years of development on the identity and status of indigenous peoples, international documents and views of scholars from different disciplines are still divided, which makes the protection of indigenous peoples' rights and interests more complicated. It is urgent to study the protection of aboriginal rights and interests in the project area. Through the financing project of the International Finance Corporation in the Philippines as an example, taking the aborigines as the research object, in the course of brief description of the case, we found that the disputes over the rights and interests of the aboriginal people showed a variety of characteristics. It is necessary not only to clarify the particularity of its status, but also to analyze its rights and interests in the process of overseas financing. First, through the introduction of specific cases, to understand the circumstances of the case and the background of the incident, according to the indigenous complaints involved in the project area, to conclude the focus of the dispute in the case, and to raise questions. Secondly, the specific definition of the aboriginal people. From different angles of anthropology and international jurisprudence, this paper summarizes and introduces the concept of aboriginal people in accordance with the background of the case on the basis of the case. On this basis, from the perspective of survival rights, land rights, environmental rights, procedural rights and interests, the interests of indigenous people are analyzed and summarized, and combined with specific facts, the situation of indigenous people in mining areas is summarized. This paper introduces the current situation of legislation on the protection of aboriginal rights and interests in international law, and finds out the legal origin and basis for the protection of aboriginal rights and interests. Finally, from the facts of the case, some common problems faced by China's overseas investment and financing activities are found out. If the procedure is not perfect, the communication is not perfect, the benefit distribution is not equal, through the analysis to these problems, provides the empirical countermeasure and the suggestion for our country overseas investment and financing activity.


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