本文选题:中菲南海争端 + 国际仲裁 ; 参考:《中州学刊》2015年03期
[Abstract]:The essence of the dispute between China and the Philippines in the South China Sea is the sovereignty of some islands and reefs in the South China Sea and the maritime delimitation dispute. The international arbitration tribunal has no jurisdiction over the dispute and is not allowed to indicate provisional measures. However, if the arbitration tribunal interprets the dispute between China and the Philippines as a dispute over jurisdiction over the South China Sea, it may exercise jurisdiction over the dispute and then indicate provisional measures. However, in any case, the arbitral tribunal shall not rule on the sovereignty of the islands and reefs involved in the dispute over the South China Sea between China and the Philippines, nor shall it make a ruling that has a substantial impact on the sovereignty of the islands and reefs, otherwise it will be an infringement of China's national sovereignty. From the point of view of international law, on the issue of the dispute between China and the Philippines in the South China Sea, the Chinese Government should form as soon as possible a study on the international arbitration application submitted by the Philippines and actively negotiate with the Philippine side in order to reach an agreement on the peaceful settlement of the dispute. In accordance with international law and relevant domestic laws, to carry out law enforcement and safeguard rights in the South China Sea, to improve the practice of international judicial institutions in developing the annual reporting system, and at the appropriate time, on the premise of safeguarding China's territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests, Consider accepting the jurisdiction of international judicial bodies in maritime disputes.
【作者单位】: 河南理工大学文法学院;
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