本文选题:水下文化遗产保护 + 中国 ; 参考:《中国海洋大学》2011年硕士论文
【摘要】:水下文化遗产见证了人类历史,承载着人类文明,为历史学家、考古学家等科研工作者提供了宝贵的研究素材;其奇特的魅力和厚重的神秘感令广大群众深受震撼;而其巨大的商业价值使各地的盗宝者趋之若鹜。一直以来保护水下文化遗产的国际法极不完善,造成海洋秩序混乱、盗宝之风肆虐和矛盾争议丛生的状况。对水下文化遗产的保护和研究极为不利。 国际社会在如何保护和管理水下文化遗产方面寻求共识,最重要的成果是2001年通过的《保护水下文化遗产公约》。虽然公约的出台过程艰难而漫长,为了均衡各方利益,结果免不了避重就轻。但是作为第一部专门保护水下文化遗产的国际公约,其中不少突破性的规定,比如“就地保护”、禁止商业性开发、否定打捞法和打捞物法的适用、分区域行使管辖权等内容,对保护水下文化遗产起到积极作用。《保护水下文化遗产公约》具有里程碑式的意义。 同时,由于打捞法和打捞物法在英美法系国家的长期适用,也形成了一套复杂而独特的法律制度,其适用对象包括水下文化遗产。打捞法和打捞物法其因立足于水下文化遗产的“商业流通”而屡受诟病,但是从数量繁多的判例中我们可以发现一些促进保护水下文化遗产事业发展的闪光思想,比如对“就地保护”的认同、要求按照考古学标准进行水下打捞等。还有一些制度设计,比如英国的官方接管人制度,对改进我国惯常的“一刀切”规定也具有参考价值。 我国是文化遗产大国,但是关于水下文化遗产的法律制度尚不健全。我国海域内水下文化遗产面临被破坏和盗捞的严峻威胁,相关法律制度亟待完善。我国保护水下文化遗产方面存在的问题有:定义上的自我设限、缺少统领整个法律制度的原则规定、奖惩力度不够、文物保护和处置流程不清晰等。可以借鉴《保护水下文化遗产公约》及其他相关法律加以完善。另外,我国水下考古力量不足,能否探索准入私人打捞?南海划界争端不断,《保护水下文化遗产公约》不能为保护南海的水下文化遗产提供有效办法,我国应该推进区域合作以加强保护。
[Abstract]:Underwater cultural heritage witnessed human history, bearing human civilization, and provided valuable research materials for historians, archaeologists, etc. And its huge commercial value makes the treasure thief everywhere. The international law for the protection of underwater cultural heritage has been far from perfect, resulting in chaos of marine order, rampant theft of treasure and numerous contradictions and controversies. It is unfavorable to the protection and research of underwater cultural heritage. The international community seeks consensus on how to protect and manage underwater cultural heritage. The most important achievement is the Convention for the Protection of underwater Cultural Heritage adopted in 2001. Although the treaty process is difficult and long, in order to balance the interests of all parties, the result is inevitable. However, as the first international convention dedicated to the protection of underwater cultural heritage, there are many groundbreaking provisions, such as "local protection", prohibition of commercial exploitation, denial of the application of salvage and salvage laws, and exercise of jurisdiction by sub-region, etc. The Convention for the Protection of underwater Cultural Heritage is of milestone significance. At the same time, because of the long-term application of salvage and salvage in Anglo-American law countries, a set of complex and unique legal system has been formed, including underwater cultural heritage. Salvage and salvage methods have been repeatedly criticized for being based on the "commercial circulation" of underwater cultural heritage. However, from a large number of precedents, we can find some shining ideas that promote the development of underwater cultural heritage protection. For example, the recognition of local conservation requires underwater salvage in accordance with archaeological standards. Some institutional designs, such as the official receiver system in Britain, also have reference value for improving our country's usual "one size fits all" regulations. China is a large country of cultural heritage, but the legal system of underwater cultural heritage is not perfect. The underwater cultural heritage in the sea area of our country is faced with the severe threat of destruction and theft, and the relevant legal system needs to be improved. There are some problems in protecting underwater cultural heritage in China, such as self-limitation in definition, lack of principles and regulations governing the whole legal system, insufficient rewards and punishments, unclear procedures for the protection and disposal of cultural relics, etc. Reference can be made to the Convention on the Protection of underwater Cultural Heritage and other relevant laws. In addition, our underwater archaeological power is insufficient, can explore access to private fishing? There are many disputes over the delimitation of the South China Sea. The Convention on the Protection of underwater Cultural Heritage cannot provide an effective way to protect the underwater cultural heritage of the South China Sea. China should promote regional cooperation to strengthen the protection of the underwater cultural heritage in the South China Sea.
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