本文选题:能源宪章条约 + 投资仲裁 ; 参考:《湘潭大学》2011年硕士论文
【摘要】:能源是当今国际社会共同关注的重要话题,特别是第二次世界大战之后发生的三次能源危机,促使世界各国想方设法解决能源供应和消费问题。《能源宪章条约》正是前苏联政治经济陷入危机,威胁到欧洲经济共同体以及其他西欧国家的能源供应之时诞生的,目的是为了保障国际能源合作的安全与稳定。《能源宪章条约》作为一个具有法律约束力的法律规则体系,内容十分繁杂,特别是第26条——投资仲裁条款,对国际社会的条约实践产生了深远的影响,甚至成为双边投资协定中解决投资者与东道国之间投资争端的法律蓝本。中国要发展首先要协调好能源与发展的关系,了解国际能源合作规则,参与国际能源市场竞争,维护我国的能源安全。 《条约》中关于投资争端主体和投资行为的规定直接决定了《条约》的适用范围,因此应该认真把握争端的投资者、缔约国的定义和其所处的地位,正确认定投资行为。其次文章总结了投资仲裁机制的基本程序以及不适用投资仲裁的情形:包括环境争端、贸易争端、过境运输、税收争端等。投资仲裁机制是《条约》的最富有特色的条款,它统一了投资仲裁的不一致性,保护了能源领域的投资,赋予投资者救济的权利,抵御政治风险。进步中仍然存在不足,如忽略了东道国公众的利益,挑战东道国的权威性等。本文针对这些不足建议,根据主权原则、善意原则、正当性原则来改革投资仲裁机制。文章的最后,就是做为观察国的中国如何在国际能源合作中保护自己能源安全。
[Abstract]:Energy is an important topic of common concern of the international community today, especially the three energy crisis after the Second World War, which has prompted all the countries of the world to try to solve the problem of energy supply and consumption. The Energy Charter Treaty is a crisis in the former Soviet Union's political economy, threatening the European Economic Community and other Western European countries. The purpose of the energy supply is to ensure the security and stability of international energy cooperation. The Energy Charter Treaty, as a legally binding legal system, is very complex, especially twenty-sixth - the investment arbitration clause has a far-reaching impact on the international community's practice and even bilateral. In the investment agreement, the legal blueprint for investment disputes between the investor and the host country is solved. China should first develop the relationship between energy and development, understand the rules of international energy cooperation, participate in the competition of the international energy market, and maintain our energy security.
The provisions of the Treaty on the subject of investment disputes and the act of investment directly determine the scope of the application of the treaty. Therefore, the definition and status of the contracting parties should be carefully grasped, the status of the Contracting States and its position and the correct identification of the investment behavior. Secondly, the basic procedures of the investment arbitration mechanism and the situation that the investment arbitration is not applied are summarized. It includes environmental disputes, trade disputes, transit transport, and tax disputes. The investment arbitration mechanism is the most distinctive clause of the treaty. It unifies the inconsistency of investment arbitration, protects the investment in the energy field, endows investors with the rights of relief and resists political risks. There are still shortcomings in progress, such as ignoring the public of the host country. This article aims at reforming the investment arbitration mechanism according to the principle of sovereignty, the principle of good faith and the principle of justifiable nature. The end of the article is how to protect the energy security of China in the international energy cooperation.
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