[Abstract]:With the establishment of the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 1995, the global multilateral trading system has entered a new stage of development. One of the key points of the reform of WTO dispute settlement mechanism is that when the defeated member fails to fulfill its obligations, one of the key points of the WTO dispute settlement mechanism reform is that the WTO dispute settlement mechanism has a stronger executive power than the GATT era. Winning members may be empowered to take retaliatory measures to strengthen enforcement of panel or appellate decisions. When the member takes the retaliatory measure to cause the dispute, the losing member may propose the retaliatory level arbitration on the retaliatory measure degree, requests to judge whether the victorious member puts forward the retaliatory measure conforms to the WTO law stipulation. The level of retaliation arbitration has run for many years, and has also produced various disputes, among which there are still many doubts and uncertainties about the level of judgment of countermeasures in prohibited subsidy cases. In accordance with the relevant provisions of articles 4.10 and 4.11 of the Agreement on subsidies and countervailing measures (hereinafter referred to as the SCM Agreement), and in the light of all cases so far involving the level of retaliation procedures, This paper studies the legal issue of "appropriate countermeasures" in one of the arbitration of retaliation level. In addition to the conclusion, there are five parts, about 42000 words. The first part is an introduction, where the literature review shows that the term "countermeasures" first gained attention in cases of international law and was subsequently endorsed by the International Law Commission and included in the draft articles on State responsibility. However, WTO law lacks an accurate definition of "countermeasures"; the term "appropriate" was used in the dispute settlement mechanism in the GATT era, but was abandoned in the understanding on dispute settlement rules and procedures (hereinafter referred to as "DSU") and subsequently adopted by the SCM Agreement. The purpose of WTO dispute settlement is to settle disputes quickly and effectively, to promote the observance of rules, and the purpose of retaliation mechanism is to "rebalance rights and obligations" or "promote enforcement". This also brings controversy to the establishment of special retaliation system in SCM agreement. The second part is to analyze the "appropriate countermeasures" of prohibited subsidies. Firstly, it briefly describes the development process of international regulation of subsidies and countervailing, and shows the process of the formation of SCM agreement. To analyze the relevant provisions of the "appropriateness" of countermeasures and to clarify their particularities. The "countermeasures" rules are then analysed, the origin of countermeasures is discussed, and the meaning of "countermeasures" in international law is analysed and clarified in accordance with the rules of the draft articles on State responsibility. To explore the possibility of the application of "countermeasures" in international law in WTO rules. The third part is the analysis of the existing judicial practice of "appropriate countermeasures", through the elaboration of the views of both parties to the case dispute and the comparison of the arbitration award in the case, it is clear that the arbitrator holds the view on the legal issue of "appropriate countermeasures". The problems and difficulties in practice are pointed out. The fourth part combines the rule analysis of the second part and the case analysis of the third part, defines the "countermeasures" of the prohibition of subsidy in WTO law, clarifies the legal standard of "appropriateness", and clarifies the provisions of "appropriate countermeasures". The fifth part is the legal thinking and suggestion of China to prohibit subsidies "appropriate countermeasures", comparing the SCM Agreement on prohibited subsidies and China's provisions on subsidy measures, and put forward some suggestions; At the same time, this paper briefly summarizes the situation of China involving prohibited subsidy cases, and puts forward the countermeasures of China in the face of "appropriate countermeasures" from the standpoint of China.
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