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发布时间:2018-09-02 07:14
[Abstract]:The early law differentiation theory established the research paradigm of sovereign power for private international law. However, this kind of research paradigm, which turns private international law into public law and politicizes it, has been abandoned by history. Savini's research paradigm of legal relations in the 19th century has brought private international law back to the track of private law. But its exclusive treatment of the seat of the "house" and the exceptional arrangements for sovereign interests do not correspond to the need for equal adjustment and intervention in transnational private interaction by modern States since the 20th century. The conflict Law Revolution in the United States did not make a substantial breakthrough in determining the proper position of sovereign factors in private international law. Although the European Union of Private International Law is a major change, it has only regional explanatory power. And did not shake the international community level of private international law Savini paradigm. In the international environment of the separation of sovereignty and the coexistence of legal system, we should perfect the traditional paradigm of legal relationship and establish the main and auxiliary research paradigm of "private right-sovereign power".
【作者单位】: 燕山大学文法学院;


中国期刊全文数据库 前2条

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