[Abstract]:At the beginning of the modern state, the international community had no substantial restrictions on the use of force. However, as the war casualties continue to deteriorate, this status quo is also beginning to change. After the first World War, the League of Nations imposed procedural restrictions on the rights of its contracting States to wage war. In addition, countries around the world have come to a consensus to abolish war as a legitimate tool for pursuing their national policies. After the second World War, the international community tried the individual who launched the war of aggression through the Nuremberg and Tokyo International military Court, and made it clear that the crime of aggression is a crime in international law. With the further development of the international rule of law, the international community has also realized that it is necessary to establish a permanent international criminal court to punish international crimes, to realize and practice international justice, and to maintain peace and security in the international community. In order to prevent the recurrence of tragedies similar to those of the last century's two world wars, the international community has established a United Nations collective security mechanism that sustains the destiny of the nations of the world and has established in international relations the principle of "the prohibition of the use or threat of use of force", The principal organs of the United Nations have been entrusted with the responsibility of maintaining world peace and security, thus further restricting the use of force by countries abroad. At the same time, the United Nations Security Council has strengthened its constructive relationship with the International Criminal Court. With a view to jointly punishing international crimes that pose a serious threat to the peace and security of the international community. An amendment on the crime of aggression was adopted by the Assembly of States parties to the Rome Statute in 2010, establishing the definition of the crime of aggression and the conditions under which the Court may exercise jurisdiction over the crime of aggression, This is another major contribution made by the international community to stop acts of aggression and punish the crime of aggression. Although both the United Nations and the International Criminal Court have played an important role in the maintenance of world peace and stability and the suppression of acts of aggression, as members of these international organizations, the State remains the most important subject of international law. Accordingly, the international community should actively promote the process of the global rule of law and encourage States to take the initiative in assuming the obligation to punish the crime of aggression, both by giving full play to the role of national jurisdiction and by preventing conflicts with the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court, To ensure that the international community continues to prevent and punish the crime of aggression in a people-oriented spirit in order to maintain its peace and security. In order to achieve this goal, the most important thing is that States can respect each other's national sovereignty and settle their disputes in a peaceful manner.
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