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发布时间:2018-10-31 19:05
[Abstract]:With the wide application of information network technology in international trade, the existing international legal norms can no longer provide due legal protection for the security of electronic transactions and the interests of relevant traders. It is also likely to hinder the development of e-commerce. Therefore, in 2002, the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law decided that its working Group on Electronic Commerce would be responsible for drafting an international convention relating to electronic contracts. Then, after six related meetings, the international legal document called "the United Nations Convention on the use of Electronic Communications in International contracts" (hereinafter referred to as "the Convention") was finally adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations in 2005. Since the Convention is the first unified legal norm in the field of electronic commerce, it will also play a great role in harmonizing the domestic laws of various countries and promoting international electronic commerce exchanges. On the basis of this, this paper analyzes and compares the existing legal system of electronic contract in our country, and combines the current situation of the rule of law in our country, and how to perfect the legislation system of electronic contract under the guidance of "Convention". The principles and rules offer some solutions. This paper is divided into the following three parts: the first part explains the feasibility of drawing on the Convention in the legislation of electronic contract in China. From the legislative basis of the Convention, the procedure and inclusiveness of the Convention and the assimilation of the legislation on electronic contracts, this paper discusses that the Convention can be used as a reference in the legislation of electronic contracts in China. The second part of the article analyzes the principles and systems of the Convention and the legislation of electronic contracts in China. First of all, it introduces the three legal principles of electronic contract, such as the same function, technology neutrality and autonomy of will, which are established in the "Convention", and points out that our country should draw lessons from these basic principles in order to develop the legislation on electronic contract. Consideration should also be given to other electronic contract legislative principles such as security principles. Then, this paper deeply discusses some problems that should be paid attention to in the legislation of electronic contract in China, and puts forward that our country should draw lessons from the successful experience of international legislation such as the Convention on the basis of maintaining the existing legislative model of both. Improve the legislative system in the field of electronic contracts in China. The third part is the introduction of the Convention and the specific rules of electronic contract legislation in China. The paper includes five aspects: obstacle and elimination of formal elements, determination of time and place of sending and receiving of data message, legal provisions of invitation to offer, validity of contract conclusion of automatic message system, error of conclusion of electronic contract and handling of electronic contract. This paper makes a deep comparison and analysis between the Convention and the relevant provisions of the existing legislation on electronic contracts in China, and discusses in detail how our country should draw lessons from the provisions of the Convention and formulate specific rules for the legislation of electronic contracts.


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