发布时间:2018-11-16 07:22
【摘要】:《联合国宪章》(以下简称《宪章》)是不是宪法,是一部什么样的宪法,或者说,在哪种意义上和多大程度上是一部宪法,这就是本文所研究的《宪章》的宪法性问题。联合国60多年的发展历程和《宪章》日益显著的国际关系根本行为准则与国际法基石地位表明《宪章》越来越具有宪法的性质。科学认识和认真对待《宪章》的这种性质,使其在全球化浪潮中充分发挥应有功能,为国际法治奠定宪法基础,此即本文的主旨。 宪法的本质属性在于对权力的法律制约。这主要表现在宪法区别于普通法律的关于权力制约的组织规范性质、社会契约性质、根本法与高级法性质。宪法对自由、民主、人权的确认、规范和保障功能无不以此为基础,由此形成了宪法之于法治的“阿基米德点”地位。纷繁复杂的社会环境及其治理需要决定了宪法本质属性的多样性存在,决定了宪法的权力制约功能在不同社会及其不同发展阶段具有不同的特征和表现。相对于国家,国际社会更需要权力制约,尤其需要具有特殊针对性的权力制约。《宪章》之所以被寄予维护世界和平与安全、促进国际经济社会发展、推动世界人权特别是保障落后国家特殊群体人权的厚望,就源于其具有的制约国际社会霸权、规范主权国家的权力与责任方面的宪法本质与功能。 区别于普通国际法和国家宪法,《宪章》的国际宪法性质主要体现在:一、《宪章》既是作为现存国际组织的联合国的总章程,也是作为发展中的“类世界政府”的联合国的总章程,还是处于萌芽状态的国际共同体意义上的联合国的总章程,《宪章》在这三个层面都具有相应的对国际社会权力的组织法性质。二、《宪章》在技术上是国际条约,其实质则为“联合国家”(the United Nations)及其代表的“联合国家人民”(the Peoples of the United Nations)的社会契约。这是联合国普遍性、合法性、权威性的理论基础,也是联合国提供国际公共物品的逻辑前提,更是国际社会赖以维系和发展的理性选择。三、在全球化浪潮中,联合国无论自身面临的挑战还是众望所归的全球治理使命,都需要《宪章》在经济、政治、法律全球化进程中发挥普通国际法无可替代的治理框架作用。60多年来特别是冷战结束后联合国的全球治理实践使《宪章》的这种根本法性质越来越引人注目。四、无论基于《宪章》对普世价值的规范表达还是出于国际社会对《宪章》宗旨和原则的普遍承认,《宪章》对普通国际法在事实上都具有基本规范的功能。这在一定程度上缓解了国际法的实质合法性和形式合法性危机,《宪章》因此具有典型的高级法属性。 总体上看,《宪章》具有宪法的本质属性。但其程度较为复杂,一方面,与发达国家宪法的权威性和实效性无法相提并论;另一方面,相对于那些内战连绵、暴政横行的国家的语义宪法,《宪章》相当于名义宪法。就此而言,《宪章》的宪法性“比上不足比下有余”,介于名义宪法与规范宪法之间。这与联合国的现实地位相符,基本上反映了当前国际社会的治理现状。很明显,只有在规范宪法的意义上,《宪章》的国际宪法地位才名符其实,《宪章》区别于国家宪法的特殊宪法类型才水到渠成和名正言顺。从当前全球化进程的态势看,从全球性相互依赖的广度、深度和速度看,从国际社会对全球治理中法律作用的共识看,《宪章》的宪法化——从名义宪法发展成为规范宪法——从根本上讲,既取决于全球治理的现实需要,也有赖于其在国际法治进程中的实际贡献。
[Abstract]:The Charter of the United Nations (hereinafter referred to as the Charter) is a constitution, what kind of constitution, or what extent and to what extent is a constitution, that is the constitutional problem of the Charter. The basic code of conduct of the United Nations for more than 60 years and the ever-increasing international relationship between the Charter and the Charter of the United Nations and the cornerstone of international law have shown that the Charter is increasingly of a constitutional nature. The scientific understanding and the serious treatment of this nature of the Charter have enabled it to give full play to its due function in the tide of globalization and lay a constitutional basis for the international rule of law, which is the main thrust of this paper. The essential attribute of the constitution lies in the law of power The restriction of the nature of the organization, the nature of the social contract, the fundamental method and the advanced method in the constitution, which is different from the general law in relation to the restriction of power. The Constitution is based on the recognition, norms and guarantees of freedom, democracy and human rights, thereby forming the 鈥淎rchimedes point鈥,
[Abstract]:The Charter of the United Nations (hereinafter referred to as the Charter) is a constitution, what kind of constitution, or what extent and to what extent is a constitution, that is the constitutional problem of the Charter. The basic code of conduct of the United Nations for more than 60 years and the ever-increasing international relationship between the Charter and the Charter of the United Nations and the cornerstone of international law have shown that the Charter is increasingly of a constitutional nature. The scientific understanding and the serious treatment of this nature of the Charter have enabled it to give full play to its due function in the tide of globalization and lay a constitutional basis for the international rule of law, which is the main thrust of this paper. The essential attribute of the constitution lies in the law of power The restriction of the nature of the organization, the nature of the social contract, the fundamental method and the advanced method in the constitution, which is different from the general law in relation to the restriction of power. The Constitution is based on the recognition, norms and guarantees of freedom, democracy and human rights, thereby forming the 鈥淎rchimedes point鈥,