[Abstract]:The development and utilization of nuclear energy has brought great benefits to human beings, as well as a variety of potential risks. The occurrence of various nuclear accidents fully shows that there are still many defects and deficiencies in nuclear energy risk management. To this end, the international community needs to gradually form a global governance mechanism for nuclear energy risks on the basis of relevant existing norms of international law and international practice. By analyzing the sovereign right and risk management responsibility of nuclear energy exploitation and utilization and their relationship, this paper clarifies the restriction conditions and development path of the global governance of nuclear energy risk embodied in the principles and norms of international law. On the basis of the codification and development of the International Law Commission's international responsibility in the field of risk activities, and in the light of the shortcomings and deficiencies in nuclear energy risk management, the concrete elements and connotation of global governance of nuclear energy risk are analyzed and constructed, In order to form a feasible and effective global governance mechanism of nuclear energy risk, a systematic proposal is put forward.
【作者单位】: 巢湖学院经济与法律系;
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