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  本文选题:并存的债务承担 切入点:并存的债务承担协议 出处:《苏州大学》2010年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】: 并存的债务承担,又称债务加入,我国法律对此尚未对此进行规定,概念不清和规定不明导致市场中出现的并存的债务承担行为缺乏规范和指引,在审判和执行实践中也易出现事实认定的误差和法律适用的混乱。故笔者试对并存的债务承担从法理和实务两方面进行研究,以期对并存的债务承担的理论和实务发展起到一定的作用。 本文首先明确了并存的债务承担的定义和构成要件。在分述了各大陆法系国家和我国台湾地区关于并存的债务承担的定义和规定后得出并存的债务承担的定义,并详细论述了并存的债务承担形成之债的性质,并对该性质所联系的相关的债权人、债务人和第三人的权利义务进行了阐述。 第二部分主要论述并存的债务承担与类似概念的区分,本部分内容首先从理论上对并存的债务承担和保证、第三人代为履行和免责的债务承担的概念进行了相同点和不同点的分析,其次通过相关案例阐述实践中如何区分类似概念。 第三部分主要区别并存的债务承担不同类型进行了效力分析。第四部分重点阐述了并存的债务承担的立法、审判和执行现状,并通过典型案例,分析并存的债务承担案例的事实认定和法律适用中存在的问题并进行评析。最后本文对执行和解协议中存在的并存的债务承担的法律适用及方案选择进行了论述。
[Abstract]:The coexistence of debt commitment, also known as debt accession, has not been stipulated in our country's law, and the concept is not clear and the definition is unclear, which leads to the coexistence of debt commitment behavior in the market lack of norms and guidelines. In the practice of trial and execution, it is easy to appear the error of the fact finding and the confusion of the application of the law. Therefore, the author tries to study the coexistence of debt commitment from two aspects of legal theory and practice. With a view to the coexistence of debt commitment theory and practical development play a certain role. In this paper, the definition and constitutive elements of co-existing debt commitment are defined, and the definition of co-existing debt commitment is obtained after the definition and stipulation of co-existing debt commitment between the countries of continental law system and Taiwan region of China. It also discusses in detail the nature of the debt formed by the co-existing debt commitment, and expounds the rights and obligations of the creditors, debtors and third parties associated with the nature. The second part mainly discusses the distinction between the coexistence of debt commitment and similar concepts, this part of the content of the first from the theory of the coexistence of debt commitment and guarantee, The concept of the debt commitment of the third party acting on behalf of performance and exemption is analyzed in the same and different points. Secondly, through the relevant cases, how to distinguish the similar concepts in practice is explained. In the third part, the author analyzes the effectiveness of the different types of debt commitment which are different from each other. Part 4th focuses on the current situation of legislation, trial and execution of the debt commitment, and through typical cases, This paper analyzes the problems existing in the fact recognition and the application of the law in the case of concurrent debt bearing. Finally, this paper discusses the application of the law and the choice of the scheme of the existing debt undertaking in the implementation of the settlement agreement.


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