本文选题:保险合同 切入点:格式合同 出处:《延边大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:保险行业承担着分解社会危险和将来可能出现的意外风险功能,当保险行为越来越频繁,保险合同纠纷案件数量日益增多,带来了很多问题,保险合同解释成为大众生活不可忽略的一大焦点。保险合同解释是保险当事人对合同内容的理解和对使用文字发生的争议,法院和仲裁机构按照法律规定和常用方式,对合同内容确定并说明的过程。 保险合同规定了投保人,被保险人,受益人和保险人双方的利益关系,也牵动着社会的稳定发展,并兼具分散风险的功能。但保险合同是格式合同,其专业性很强,因为这种特性合同双方当事人的缔约能力极不平衡,产生纠纷时,合同双方对争议条款的解释极有可能不具有统一性,但双方解释具有合理性时,便产生了疑义条款,如何解释合同条款内容,维持公平与正义便成了一个重要的问题。 保险合同传统的解释原则是不利解释原则,又称疑义利益解释原则,我国目前在保险合同解释方面,采取的也是不利解释原则,但不利解释有不少的缺陷,运用不当则不仅会阻碍保险行业的发展,且不利于被保险人。同时,完全放弃不利解释原则,采取英美新兴的合理期待原则无疑会扩大法官的裁量权,不适合中国当代国情,因此如何完善保险合同解释原则具有现实的紧迫性和必要性。 保险合同解释原则方面,国内外的研究稍有区别。国内的研究主要侧重于结合我国国情分析不利解释原则的利弊,英美法系国家则侧重于新兴起的合理期待研究。我国目前采取的对保险合同解释的不利解释原则,在保险法中只对此条款作了一条简单的规定,因为条款过于简单笼统,以至于在司法实践中理解差异很大,关于格式条款的解释是否适用,以及怎么适用解释原则也存在一系列问题。然而国外新兴起的合理期待原则在一定程度上背离了传统的合同解释原则,但它的产生与发展是市场经济发展的必然产物,有其合理性。对保护处于弱势地位的保险当事人的救济也有很大程度的优势与变革,在审判过程和司法实践中也存在很多可借鉴性。 对此从保险合同解释的基本理论出发,对保险合同解释的概述,性质,一般原则做详细的阐述,并从不利解释原则的历史演变,理论依据,适用等方面深入说明了不利解释原则利与弊,并比较国外保险合同解释原则中的不利解释原则的立法与实践,新兴起的合理期待原则的产生与适用,寻求一个新的出路。现在学术界对保险合同条款进行解释时,要么适用不利解释原则,要么适用合理期待原则。二者结合起来进行制度重构,这在目前我国学术界中尚少见,但要能做到有效结合,扬长避短是有创新意义的,并有利于保险合同解释原则长远发展。 本文希望通过对中外保险合同解释原则发展及现状分析,研究探讨我国现行保险合同法解释中存在的问题和不足,并结合问题提出解决方案、完善保险合同解释的适用方法,并提出一点尝试性建议,以期待推动我国法治建设和保障社会稳定。
[Abstract]:The insurance industry bears the function of decomposing social risks and possible unexpected risks in the future . When the insurance is more and more frequent , the number of cases of insurance contract disputes is increasing day by day , which brings many problems . The insurance contract is interpreted as a big focus that the public life cannot be neglected . The explanation of insurance contract is the understanding of the contract content and the dispute about the use of the text . The court and the arbitration institution determine and explain the contract content in accordance with the legal provisions and the usual methods .
The insurance contract specifies the interest relations between the insured , the insured , the beneficiary and the insurer , and also holds the stable development of the society and has the function of decentralized risk . However , the contract of insurance is a form contract , and its professionalism is very strong .
The traditional interpretation principle of insurance contract is the principle of negative interpretation , which is also called the principle of the explanation of doubt benefit . However , in our country , it is also a negative interpretation principle in the interpretation of insurance contract , but it is unfavorable to the insured . At the same time , it will not only hinder the development of the insurance industry , but it is not conducive to the insured . At the same time , it will not only hinder the development of the insurance industry , but it is not conducive to the insured . At the same time , it will not only enlarge the discretion of the judge , but not suit the contemporary situation of China . Therefore , how to perfect the interpretation principle of insurance contract has realistic urgency and necessity .
On the principle of interpretation of insurance contract , the domestic and foreign research is slightly different . The domestic research mainly focuses on the advantages and disadvantages of the principle of unfavorable interpretation in combination with the national conditions of our country . The Anglo - American law system only makes a simple provision for the new rise . However , the reasonable expectation principle of the new rise in the foreign countries has deviated from the traditional principle of contract interpretation . However , the emergence and development of the insurance contract are the inevitable outcome of the development of the market economy .
Based on the basic theory of insurance contract interpretation , the general principles of insurance contract interpretation are expounded in detail .
This paper hopes to explore the existing problems and shortcomings in the interpretation of insurance contract law in China through the analysis of the development and current situation of insurance contract interpretation in China and foreign countries , and put forward a solution to the problem , perfect the applicable method of insurance contract interpretation , and put forward some tentative suggestions to promote the construction of the rule of law in our country and guarantee social stability .
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