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发布时间:2018-05-02 20:02

  本文选题:建设工程 + 中标通知书 ; 参考:《河南大学》2012年硕士论文

【摘要】:2000年1月1日施行的《中华人民共和国招标投标法》对规范中国建筑工程招标投标制度起到了重要的作用。中标通知书作为招投标制度中重要的法律文书对建设工程合同能否最终顺利实施起着关键性的作用。但是我国目前的招投标领域对定标行为的性质并不明确,在实践中中标通知书已经发出但书面合同尚未签订阶段,对不履行中标通知书是缔约过失责任,还是违约责任在理解上存在偏差和歧异。本文旨在探索我国中标通知书法律效力及相关问题的不足之处,并提出建设性意见和解决的方案,希望对我国中标通知书法律效力及相关问题的完善具有积极意义。 中标通知书作为招投标阶段的一个特殊承诺的过程,涉及到民法原理特别是合同法原理的适用。但当前对建设工程中标通知书的研究还存在法理上的不足,现行学说及立法所指向的判定路径界定不清,在司法实践中不具真正意义上的指导作用。因此,笔者认为仍需要对建筑工程中标通知书的法律性质、法律效力等相关问题进行清晰界定。本文以研究中标通知书法律效力为中心,通过学习招投标制度的起源和发展历程,从法学理论上探讨了中标通知书的概念,即中标通知书是招标人向中标人发出的告知其中标的书面通知,具有承诺的法律性质及特点。《中华人民共和国招标投标法》和《合同法》对建设工程招标投标过程中标通知书的法律效力的界定存在理论缺陷,形成了一定的真空地带,引起了理论界与实务界不同的理解,导致该法律责任在实务上的适用性和操作性相对较差。笔者根据国内外法学理论对中标通知书的法律效力理论综述,通过对中标通知书缔约过失责任的法学理论分析,从法理学的角度出发分析了建设工程中标通知书发出后工程合同不成立也不生效的法律效力,充分肯定了建设工程中标通知书缔约过失责任。并在此基础上对我国建设工程中标通知书发出后缔约过失责任理论作出相关综合论述。 另外,由于我国中标通知书制度不够完善,建筑工程招投标在具体操作中还存在一些不容忽视的严重问题,首先,中标通知书法律效力界定不明,引起了在实务上适用难的问题;其次,为了提高中标,串通招投标的现象严重。串通招投标的行为违反了我国招标投标法中规定的公开、公平、公正和诚实信用等法律原则,扰乱了市场经济秩序滋生了腐败现象;另外,当前我国有关中标通知书的立法分散在各种法律、法规、规章,和一些规范性文件中,在我国规范和调整中标通知书的法律、法规,除了《合同法》、《建筑法》等法律外,还存在着大量的行政法规、部门规章及地方性法规。由于法律法规的不集中,各种立法之间难免出现重复、交叉和矛盾;最后中标通知书缺少法律救济途径。一方面我国法律对建设工程投标保证金的法律属性规定的不是非常明确,引起工程实务中认识不一,理解不一,导致实务操作的混乱;另一方面行政监督界限不清,相关政府部门行政监管不力,行政监管体制存在设计上缺失和部门职责交叉的问题。 对此,笔者提出了相应的对策和建议来解决我国中标通知书法律效力及相关问题。首先,对于中标通知书法律效力模糊的,要规范中标通知书的法律效力,引入缔约过失责任制度;其次理顺法律、法规,部门规章的关系,明确中标通知书的法律适用;另外建立建设工程行业的准入制度,提高准入门槛,加大黑名单处罚力度,消除行业腐败现象;最后,一方面完善中标通知书投标保证金法律救济方式,确立投标保证金的定金罚原则;另一方面加大中标通知书行政监督力度,健全行政监督体系,进一步健全和完善监督管理机制,加大监督检查力度,促进建设工程招投标工作走向规范化、制度化和法制化。 招投标活动是一项公正、公平地商业竞争机制,中标通知书作为招投标重要内容,无论是从实践操作还是从立法进程角度,都要对中标通知书的法律条文进行相应规范。我们要根据建设工程的特点制定实施细则,及时处理好由于中标通知书出现的新矛盾、新问题,真正做到建筑工程招投标的公开、公正、公平,,保护交易当事人的合法权益,促进社会主义招投标市场的健康发展,发挥中标通知书应有的作用。
[Abstract]:The Bidding Law of the People ' s Republic of China , which came into effect on Jan . 1 , 2000 , plays an important role in regulating the bidding and bidding system of China ' s construction projects .

The paper discusses the legal nature , legal effect and other relevant problems of the bid - winning notice in the bid - winning bid of the construction project .

In addition , because China ' s bid - winning notice system is not perfect , there are some serious problems that can ' t be ignored in the concrete operation . First , the legal effect of the bid - winning notice is clearly defined , which causes the difficult problem in practice ;
Secondly , in order to improve the bid winning , the phenomenon of collusion bidding is serious . The behaviors of collusion bidding violate the legal principles of openness , fairness , fairness and honesty and credibility stipulated in the bidding and bidding laws of China , which disturbs the phenomenon of corruption of market economy order ;
In addition , there are many laws , regulations , rules and some normative documents concerning the notification of bid acceptance in our country . In addition to the laws and regulations of the Notification of Acceptance of the Letter of Acceptance in our country , there are a lot of administrative regulations , departmental rules and local regulations .
On the one hand , our country ' s law is not very clear about the legal property of the bid security deposit of the construction project , which leads to the confusion of the practical operation in the engineering practice .
On the other hand , the limits of administrative supervision are unclear , the administrative supervision of the relevant government departments is weak , and the administrative supervision system has the problems of design absence and cross - cutting .

In this paper , the author puts forward the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions to solve the legal effect and related problems of the bid - winning notice in China . First , the legal effect of the bid - winning notice should be regulated in the case of the unclear legal effect of the bid - winning notice , and the fault liability system of the contract is introduced ;
Secondly , straighten out the relationship between laws , regulations and department rules , and make clear the application of the laws and regulations of the Letter of Acceptance ;
In addition , the admittance system of the construction engineering industry is established , the access threshold is improved , the punishment of the blacklist is increased , and the phenomenon of corruption in the industry is eliminated ;
Finally , on the one hand , perfect the legal relief way of bid bond of bid - winning bid and establish the principle of penalty - penalty for bid security deposit ;
On the other hand , strengthen the administrative supervision of the bid - winning notice , perfect the administrative supervision system , further improve and perfect the supervision and administration mechanism , strengthen the supervision and inspection , and promote the standardization , institutionalization and legalization of the bidding work of the construction project .

The bid invitation activity is a fair and fair commercial competition mechanism , and the bid winning notice serves as the important content of the bid invitation . Both from the practice operation and the legislative process angle , the legal provisions of the bid - winning notice need to be regulated accordingly . We should set up the implementation rules according to the characteristics of the construction project , and deal with the new problems in the timely manner due to the new contradictions and the new problems arising from the bid - winning notice , so as to protect the legitimate rights and interests of the parties concerned , and promote the healthy development of the socialist market for bidding and bidding , and play the role of the letter of winning .



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