本文选题:商事委托 + 任意解除权 ; 参考:《湖南大学》2012年硕士论文
[Abstract]:The issue of the exercise of arbitrary rescission of commercial entrustment contract has aroused extensive concern in both theoretical and practical circles and has become one of the hot issues in academic research and judicial practice. Whether the type of contract is a commercial entrustment contract, whether Dalian Pan enjoys the right to terminate the contract and whether the scope of compensation for loss is limited to direct loss is the focus of dispute in Shanghai Pan suing Dalian Panqi entrustment contract dispute. In terms of definition, there are obvious differences between commercial entrustment contracts and other types of contracts. According to the basic circumstances of the cases, it can be concluded that the nature of the contracts signed between Shanghai and Dalian is not pure commercial entrustment contracts. It is a comprehensive commercial entrustment contract that contains the relationship between the sale and purchase of the product. Because our country adopts the legislation system of the integration of civil and commercial affairs, according to the stipulation of Article 410 of contract Law, Dalian Panqi can certainly exercise the right to rescind the commercial entrustment contract arbitrarily. However, to enjoy the right of arbitrary rescission does not mean that the exercise of the right must have legality. Considering from the aspect of restriction system of arbitrary rescission right, the behavior of exercising arbitrary rescission right in Dalian should also be regulated to some extent, and the purpose, timing, method and effect of exercising the right should be analyzed. The abrogation of Dalian's contract is in fact an abuse of rights and should be punished by law. The compensation for the loss of the available benefits depends on the realizability of the contract performance benefits. The completion of each contract is expected to realize the available benefits corresponding to the stage of the contract. After completing some contract matters such as advertising agency, market investigation, product promotion and product marketing, Shanghai Panqi has suffered losses as a result of Dalian disengagement, and should be compensated accordingly. In order to fully protect the interests of Shanghai Panqi, the court should not limit the scope of damages to compensation for direct losses.
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