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发布时间:2018-07-10 16:14

  本文选题:代理制 + 外贸代理制 ; 参考:《山东大学》2012年硕士论文

【摘要】:代理制是国际贸易的经营方式之一,在当今市场经济条件下社会分工越来越细化,各种民商事活动越来越依赖代理人来完成。外贸代理制是代理制在外贸领域的具体体现,它是对外贸易中的一项非常实用的法律制度。外贸代理制既具有代理制的-般特点也具有属于自己的特征,而我国的外贸代理制则更具有中国特色。 从80年代中期开始我国就把改革和发展外贸代理制作为外贸改革的目标之一。经过了20多年的实践,我国外贸代理制以大陆法系为基础,吸收英美法系合理因素,但又不完全等同于任何一种法系,形成了颇具特色的外贸代理制。我国外贸代理制吸取了两大法系的精华部分,其理论框架涉及直接代理、间接代理、英美法系的隐名代理和未公开本人身份的代理等代理关系并且形成了一系列的外贸代理法律体系。例如《民法通则》《暂行规定》《合同法》《外贸法》中外贸代理制的相关规定。虽然我国外贸代理制获得了一定程度的发展,但是由于起步晚,发展进程缓慢,在理论和实践中都不完善,需要解决的问题还有很多。特别是我国入世后,外贸代理制还未形成一个健全统一的体系,这将会影响我国企业在国际市场上与别国竞争,也会阻碍我国对外贸易的发展。在这种形势下我们还必须在理论和实践中不断完善外贸代理制,使其日益成熟,在对外贸易领域中发挥它的作用。 本文主要运用了比较分析和历史研究的方法。首先是对代理制进行了综述,详细阐述了我国的外贸代理制,其中重点回顾了我国外贸代理制的历史沿革,我国外贸代理制的法律依据和法律性质。其次,进一步分析了代理人、本人、第三人三方当事人在外贸代理中的权利义务等法律关系,同时也比较了行纪和外贸代理制之间的关联。再次,本文从理论和实践中对外贸代理制提出了问题,虽然有《民法通则》《合同法》等一系列法律法规调整我国外贸代理制,但是它们之间存在立法不统一分散、相互问冲突的现象。而实践中还存在市场经济环境不完善、因政府政策原因使外贸代理配套措施跟不上、企业在外贸代理中业务操作不规范等现象。这些因素都阻碍了我国外贸代理制的发展。最后,本文提出了完善外贸代理的设想。在立法方面要进一步完善外贸代理制的法律体系,例如重构《民法典》,修订《暂行规定》,修改《合同法》《对外贸易法》相关规定使之统一协调,适时加入《国际货物销售公约》。政府方面应该为外贸代理制的发展提供良好的政策环境,企业方面也要加强业务操作能力和自身管理水平,提高在国际市场上的竞争力。外贸代理制在理论和实践上的完善对促进我国对外贸易的发展有着重要的意义。
[Abstract]:The agency system is one of the ways of international trade. Under the current market economy, the social division of labor is becoming more and more detailed, and the various civil and commercial activities are becoming more and more dependent on the agents. The foreign trade agency system is the concrete embodiment of the agency system in the field of foreign trade. It is a very practical legal system in foreign trade. The characteristics of agency system also have their own characteristics, and China's foreign trade agency system has more Chinese characteristics.
Since the middle of the 80s, China has made the reform and development of foreign trade agent as one of the targets of foreign trade reform. After more than 20 years of practice, China's foreign trade agency system is based on the continental law system and absorbs the reasonable factors of the Anglo American law system, but it is not completely equal to any kind of legal system, and has formed a characteristic foreign trade agency system. The agency system draws the essence of the two legal systems, and its theoretical framework involves direct agency, indirect agency, secret agent in Anglo American legal system and agency of undisclosed personal identity and forms a series of legal systems for foreign trade agency. For example, the general rule of civil law > Interim Regulations > Contract Law > < Trade Law > in foreign trade law. Although China's foreign trade agency system has been developed to a certain extent, it is not perfect in theory and practice because of the late start and slow development process. There are still many problems to be solved. Especially, after China's entry into WTO, the foreign trade agency system has not formed a sound and unified system, which will affect the Chinese enterprises in the international market. Competition from other countries will also impede the development of foreign trade in our country. In this situation, we must continue to improve the agency system of foreign trade in theory and practice to make it mature and play its role in the field of foreign trade.
This article mainly uses the method of comparative analysis and historical research. First, it summarizes the agency system and expounds the foreign trade agency system in detail. It focuses on the historical evolution of our foreign trade agency system, the legal basis and legal nature of our foreign trade agency system. The relations between the parties' rights and obligations in the foreign trade agency and other legal relations are also compared. Again, this article puts forward problems in the theory and practice of the foreign trade agency system, although there are a series of laws and regulations, such as the general rule of the civil law > the contract law, and other laws and regulations to adjust the foreign trade agency system of our country, but they exist between them. In practice, there is still a phenomenon in which the market economy is not perfect, the supporting measures of the foreign trade agent can not keep up with the government policy reasons and the business operation is not standardized in the foreign trade agency. These factors have hindered the development of our foreign trade generation system. Finally, the article puts forward to perfect the foreign trade. In the legislative aspect, we should further improve the legal system of the foreign trade agency system, such as reconstructing the civil code, revising the provisional regulations, revising the contract law > the foreign trade law and the relevant regulations, and joining the International Convention on the sale of goods in good time. The government should provide a good policy ring for the development of the foreign trade agency system. The enterprise also has to strengthen the business operation ability and self management level, and improve its competitiveness in the international market. The perfection of the theory and practice of the foreign trade agency system is of great significance to the development of our foreign trade.


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