[Abstract]:Because most of the various activities in society are operated through the contract system, or can be understood by the contract system, Therefore, some people say that this is the arrival of the contract era in 1999 with the Asian financial crisis in 1998 and promulgated in 1999, it has been more than ten years. In 2012, a new round of global financial crisis has also entered an adjustment recovery period. As an important form and component of financial activities, contract plays an important role in economic development, especially in the period of relatively unstable economic environment. Because of the rights of the contract subject, the obligation has a clear direction to the corresponding responsibility. However, from the point of view of the system of contract Law promulgated in 1999, only 15 kinds of famous contracts are stipulated, that is, only 15 kinds of contracts can be determined by referring to the provisions of contract Law in detail. With the development of economy and commercial activities, the form and content of contracts are far from satisfying the demand. Therefore, it is necessary to judge the contract relationship according to the general principles of contract law and the basic principles of civil law. This requires a more accurate analysis and understanding of the nature and form of the contract, in order to find a legal basis in the contract activities, so that the contract activities can better play its due normative, binding role. Article 85 of contract Law stipulates that "contract is an agreement between the parties to establish, modify and terminate civil relations." Although the change of contract is not an important part in the system of contract Law of our country, it is inevitable in practice. Moreover, the effect of contract change will lead to the direct change of the contract subject's rights and obligations, and it can be described as the legal activity that gives the contract the second life. Therefore, the contract modification should occupy a more important seat in the contract law system. So, in the question of contract change, which concepts are liable to be confused? What is the connection between the form and substance of contract formation and the form and substance required by the change of contract? It is an important content to study the issue of contract modification. In this paper, the author will start with the change of contract, the type of contract change, the formal elements of contract change, the essential elements of contract change, And briefly analyzes the relationship between contract change and real right change to make a more comprehensive, in-depth discussion and analysis. In order to distinguish the similar concepts such as contract modification, contract renewal, debt renewal and so on. In order to better use the general principles of contract Law and the relevant civil law principles to analyze the contract modification, this paper provides a way of analysis.
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