[Abstract]:Invalid contract is the most severe negative evaluation of the legal act of contract. The result of invalidation breaks the arrangement of the party's property, which results in the loss of the party's contract interests and the complete negation of the party's will autonomy. The violation of the mandatory provisions of validity is one of the reasons leading to the invalidity of the contract, which has a vital impact on the interests of the parties to the contract. However, such an important stipulation does not have a clear standard of application in law, which makes it very difficult for judicial organs to try cases of invalid contracts according to the compulsory provisions of validity. Through the analysis of several typical cases of invalid contracts, this paper explores the applicable standards of mandatory provisions of validity. This article is divided into the following three parts: the first part puts forward the questions, first introduces the case of invalidity of the contract applied according to the validity of the compulsory stipulation in the judicial practice. The three cases are cases in which the contract is invalid. In the trial, the parties have different opinions on how to apply the mandatory provisions of validity and whether the contract is valid or not. The second part begins with the analysis of the concept of mandatory provisions of validity, and introduces the legislative provisions on the relationship between compulsory norms and the validity of contracts in Roman law and the main countries of various legal systems. Then it analyzes the different viewpoints of the application of validity regulation in academic circles, and probes into the innovation and deficiency of each viewpoint. Finally, it analyzes the validity of the contract in the case of Credit Union v. Luo Mou. In the third part, in order to accurately understand the mandatory provisions of applicable validity, the fifth item of Article 52 of the contract Law, which stipulates its content, tries to make the functional interpretation of the article. Then it introduces the applicable methods of the mandatory provisions of validity, mainly from the normative content, legislative purpose, the object of adjustment, the necessity of invalidation, the experience of judges and other aspects to explore the method of applying the mandatory provisions of effectiveness. In the end, it is suggested that the legislature should issue relevant laws and regulations as soon as possible.
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