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发布时间:2018-08-28 17:22
【摘要】:民法是权利法,权利体系的构建对民法有重要作用,形成权是民法权利体系中的新成员,本文介绍了形成权概念及其由来,阐述了形成权在大陆法系国家的发展,本文认为形成权属于变动权,将形成权与相近的权利进行了辨析,并借此阐明了形成权与支配权,请求权、抗辩权的异同,与他们共同构成了民法的权利体系。形成权的行使是单方法律行为,形成权相对人处于“屈从”地位,通过分析得出形成权的性质是权利。介绍了形成权的特征并列举例子和特殊情况,阐述了形成权的分类标准,分析了形成权产生的依据、形成权对法律关系产生的作用、形成权的内容、形成权作用的法律关系的当事人、形成权的行使方式、形成权的核心内容是行使,行使的方式,行使的内在与外在限制。理论来源于实践,并应该服务实践,在对形成权的理论问题进行论述,得到了形成权理论方面的共性的观点,本文又对形成权行使的实践问题进行了具体分析,分析了我国合同法及其司法解释对及中国形成权的具体规定,指出了其中的优点和值得改进的地方,介绍了权利人在行使形成权时应当注意的问题。本文对我国形成权立法的建议包括承认形成权可能被侵害、增加形成权为代位权的客体、改变除斥期间的确定方式、明确部分形成权除斥期间、将部分形成诉权改为单纯形成权。理论联系实际,解决现实问题为出发点和举例论证是本文的特点。 第一部分首先介绍了形成权概念的提出与发展,阐述了形成权的概念并对形成权在大陆法系诸国理论和立法中的应用和发展做了简要介绍,通过分析不同学者对民事权利的划分进行对比,得到了形成权在民事权利体系中的位置,即是变动权的下属权利。将形成权有关的支配权、请求权、抗辩权、单方法律行为进行对比,找出了他们的联系与区别。探讨了形成权相对人的权利义务。分析了形成权的性质,并认定为权利。分析总结了形成权的特征,并结合实例进行了阐述,根据不同的分类标准,对形成权进行了划分。第二部分主要从理论上论述了形成权行使相关问题,包括形成权行使的功能,形成权消灭的原因。介绍了形成权行使的“权利失效”问题,阐述了形成权行使的主体。探讨了形成权行使的特殊情况——代理行使和代位行使,通过举例的方法,对我国形成权行使的立法做了建议。分析了形成权行使的两种主要方式,总结了形成权的行使限制。第三部分紧密承接了第二部分从理论上对形成权行使和限制的研究,学以致用,紧密联系我国合同法的实际,重点分析了追认权和撤销权这两种重要的形成权,并将它们包含的几项具体的权利进行了介绍,侧重于它们的行使条件、行使方式和行使限制的介绍,并着重解读了立法者如此立法的原因是公平原则。为现实服务,提出了权利人行使这些不同的形成权应当注意的具体实务问题如行使期间、举证责任和确认被告等,并且对立法中的缺憾提出了自已的见解。
[Abstract]:Civil law is the right law, the construction of the right system plays an important role in civil law, the right to form is a new member of the right system of civil law. This paper introduces the concept and origin of the right to form, expounds the development of the right to form in the countries of continental law system, and holds that the right to form belongs to the right to change, differentiates the right to form from the similar right, and expounds on this basis. Understanding the similarities and differences between the right of formation and the right of domination, the right of claim and the right of defense, together with them, constitute the right system of civil law. The classification standard of the right of formation is analyzed. The basis of the right of formation, the effect of the right of formation on the legal relationship, the content of the right of formation, the parties involved in the legal relationship of the right of formation, the way of exercising the right of formation, the core content of the right of formation, the way of exercising the right of formation, the internal and external restrictions of exercising the right of formation are analyzed. The practice of service is to discuss the theoretical issues of the right of formation and obtain the common viewpoints of the theory of the right of formation. This paper also makes a concrete analysis of the practical problems of the exercise of the right of formation, analyzes the specific provisions of the contract law and its judicial interpretation on the right of formation in China, and points out the advantages and areas worthy of improvement. This paper introduces the problems that the obligee should pay attention to when exercising the right of formation.The suggestions for the legislation of the right of formation in our country include recognizing that the right of formation may be infringed,adding the right of formation as the object of the right of subrogation,changing the way of determining the period of excluding the right of formation,defining the period of excluding the right of formation,and changing the part of the right of action into the right of formation. Actually, solving the real problem is the characteristic of this article.
The first part introduces the concept of the right to form and its development, expounds the concept of the right to form and briefly introduces the application and development of the right to form in the theory and legislation of the countries of the continental law system. By analyzing and comparing the division of civil rights by different scholars, the position of the right to form in the civil rights system is obtained. The subordinate rights of the right to change.By comparing the right of formation with the right of domination, the right of claim, the right of defense and the unilateral legal act, the author finds out their relations and differences.The author probes into the rights and obligations of the counterpart of the right of formation, analyzes the nature of the right of formation, and identifies it as the right. According to different classification standards, the right of formation is divided. The second part mainly discusses the related issues of the exercise of the right of formation, including the functions of the exercise of the right of formation and the reasons for the elimination of the right of formation. The third part carries on the study of the exercise and restriction of the right of formation from the theoretical point of view in the second part, and makes a close connection with the application of learning. In the practice of our country's contract law, this paper focuses on the analysis of the two important right of formation, the right of recourse and the right of rescission, and introduces several specific rights they contain, focusing on the conditions for their exercise, the way of their exercise and the restrictions on their exercise, and emphatically interprets the legislator's reason for such legislation is the principle of fairness. It points out the concrete practical problems that the obligee should pay attention to when exercising these different right of formation, such as the burden of proof and the confirmation of the defendant, and puts forward his own opinions on the defects in legislation.


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