[Abstract]:Insurance damage compensation is a cornerstone of many systems in insurance contract law. Although our country's insurance legislation has established this principle and preliminarily constructed the system, it has not received due attention in the theoretical study of insurance law, so far, it has been "eaten but not changed" in academic interpretation. There are still many misconceptions or misunderstandings. Based on the category analysis of insurance damage compensation, this paper, by using the analytical methods of legal hermeneutics, legal historiography and comparative law, makes a deep explanation of the core of the principle, the purpose of norm, the scope of application and the exception, and so on. Considering the principle of insurance damage compensation and the application of its system, it is proposed to abandon the dichotomy between "property insurance" and "personal insurance" adopted by the current insurance law of our country. Instead, the dichotomy between compensatory insurance and quota insurance is helpful for the correct application of the law.
【作者单位】: 中南财经政法大学法学院
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